New house = new projects. A "build" thread

Since I have lots of plans for my new house, I decided I minus whale start a build thread for the progress as I make it. First was the floors which are just about finished up (need to throw the last few details in).

My latest project has been the stereo system and turning the broom closet into a component closet for all the home theater components. Its not quite finished yet, but its pretty close. Just waiting on some HDMI cables, my Harmony 900 remote, and then just picking up the receiver and sub from my mother-in-laws house. Can’t wait til it all gets finished up… should sound awesome.
How the closet started:

Made up a quick cover for the piping that I can remove if needed (remove shelves, then its just 6 screws holding the back panel on). Also threw some wood paneling on the other walls to clean it up a bit.

Made up a couple 2x2 shelf supports.

Mounted up the connection boxes. The big box has 2 coax connections (cable box and wireless router), 5 channel speaker connections, sub connection, and HDMI connection. Then the smaller panes are the power outlet, and the ethernet port (going to the tv).

Shelves in. I also put a temporary surge protector on it which will soon be replaced with a line conditioner for all the components.

TV wall mount mounted along with the center channel. Its an ultra slim mount so the tv sits only 1" off the wall (a little more at the top when its tilted which allows room for the connections) Connections include the center channel speaker connection at the top, then the power, HDMI, and ethernet on the bottom.

Front and rear speakers mounted in the corners with speaker connector plates. I wanted to hide the plates a little better, but had to work around the studs in the walls.

Components set up in closet. The receiver that is in there is only there for spacing / looks and will be replaced. The only things connected a.t.m. is the cable box, and the router. Once everything is put in for good, the wires will be cleaned up.

And still room for the vacuum underneath the bottom shelf and the thinner area of the closet still has plenty of room for the mop and broom. So the closet has not lost its function as a “broom closet”.

TV up on the wall with everything 100% hidden. The lower shelf thing will be going and i’m not sure what is going to go underneath the tv yet. Possibly may just set up a narrow shelf since the wall it is on is in a walkway.

Still have to finish up the trim in the closet, and make all the final connections.

I’ll keep this thread updated as new projects come.

NICE! Definitely awesome. Home “wire tucks” (to steal a term from the auto world) are sweet.

Looks awesome! I did the same thing in my home since I can’t stand exposed wires. I’m lucky enough to have some cabling friends that work for Nfrastructure too.

Kenny you are a wiring guru. I love it.

Keep us updated, which you never fail to do! :number1

Kenny fawking awsome work on that closet.I remember when you were tearing it apart, what a difference.

All components hooked up and its about 99% perfect. Sounds awesome, remote works great, picture is great. But because the receiver doesn’t do audio through HDMI, the xbox cannot be hooked up HDMI and a separate digital audio, and the receiver doesn’t up-convert component to HDMI; I am stuck with no xbox. So it looks like I’ll be upgrading my receiver in the near future. Looking at probably getting the Onkyo txsr608.

Correction: Wifey just gave me the “ok” so the new receiver is ordered and will be here Saturday (Once again, Amazon Prime FTMFW!). Ended up going with the Onkyo 609 which is a damn sexy receiver.

The only thing thats going to suck is dialing in the receiver in each channel given it looks as thou left/right side speakers are all at un-even distances from the center seating position.

IDK if it does but a lot of newer onkyo reciever come with a microphone or at least the option to use one to automaticly set the volume/distance/delay at each speaker for an accurate sound.

Either way im sure it has an option for distance etc, just play with it an dial it in and it will sound even better than im sure it does already.

Love the wiring job man! Did you pull out a section of sheetorck to do it or go up through the celing or down to the basement and up? Either way awesome job

yea, it has the option for distance calibration. I can get the mic for it, but I’ll probably see what I can do without it first. Even now with nothing set up, it sounds amazing.

As far as the wiring, its not sheetrock, its lathe and plaster (sp) so there was no way in hell I was pulling any of it… lol. Everything is fished down into the basement and then routed along the floor boards and then back up into the closet. The routing is a little messy down there, but when I go through and replace all the outlet wiring in the near future, I’m going to pull the stereo wires and re-route everything a lot cleaner.

Oh god, plaster :eek

Remember dealing with it during construction.

What’s the next project Kenny?

Not quite sure yet. Still need to finish up the molding throughout the living room, bar room, and hallway where we put the new flooring in. Then it will probably be getting everything in order in the garage… with some sound, some tool organization, and some air lines.

this is totally fucking bad ass… cant wait to get something like this when i get a house… love the clean look and i hate wires!

Dude that rules!!


Decided to mod the house again. This time in the bathroom. The old throne was still working fairly well, but the internal components needed to be replaced, the bolts needed to be replaced, and the seat needed to be replaced. Well since it is quite old and was losing its flushing power I decided to just replace the whole thing rather than restore it.

Started by stripping the old one out, removed the wax ring, and cleaned the entire area.

Installed the new wax ring and new bolts. Also cut off the old 1,298,483 turn shut off valve to upgrade to a 1/4 turn shut off valve. Had to clean off about 20lbs or built up solder that the previous owner decided to use an entire roll of solder to make the connection.

While replaced the valve, I decided to upgrade the hose to a high performance Stainless steel braided hose for increase water delivery performance.

Almost done…

And the final product. Decided to go with the “hella-flush” stretched (elongated) look b/c I hate the round toilets that does not give enough room for a man’s parts and there is nothing worse than taking care of your morning business and your junk touching the edge of an ice cold toilet bowl… lol

More upgrades to come…

looks good kenny

Ooooh purdy.

nice mods , i need to do a shitter mod soon too . I want more power.

Great stuff…

After going SS lines were you able to reduce flush lever fade (as induced by cheap diner food)?

not so much the lever fade, but the water injection seems to recover a little faster with a little more flow. Also did it for some of the bling bling factor.