Big Garage Project Spring 2008.....Need Opinion/Help....

Well ok…I just recently got a place in kenmore…and my garage as it is right now is shit…it leaning about 10* degrees off the foundation…i will get some picture when i get a chance…

The old lady i brought the house from got the garage built about 9 years ago…and she got ripped off by who ever did it…who ever built it was a idiot…

My garage is beind the house like in most cases…so to picture this here it goes…

The driveway going from the front of the house towards the garage is good but once the driveway starts to get pass the house the concrete pads are slopes to the garage…this creates like a fuckin pond in my garage…that warm day after the snowfall, my garage was flooded about 6inches…

And the garage who ever built it built it on the ground not even on the concrete pad this caused the garage to be literally leanin about 4in off center, so it caused the wood to break down like it was attacked by termites…that could also be the problem hahah. anyways… it needs to be fixed for the spring…

So basically this is what i have planned for the Spring of 08

The Garage is coming down with some how some way…
The orginal concrete pad will be broken up and used as fill.
More fill will be used. I will level it out so its slopes toward the street so i dont hwave to worry about the garage flooding agian!!!
Layout the 2x6 boards for the concrete pour.
Order the about 25 cubic yard of concrete to be poured.
Then Build the biggest garage i can build without going over the town codes lol.

Im trying to keep the build someone of a budget anything i can do myself i will.

What do you guys think of the steps im taking…and is there anything you suggest?

the red in the picture is all the pad that is fucked up. and its about 50ft from the end of the house to the end of the garage and the garage is about 30ft x15ft wide 2 car…i will make the new garage about 3.5 car hopefully

we just built a new garage 2 winters ago during the winter lol, knocked down the 15x15 1 car and in its place lies a 26x40 polebarn, good luck to you polebarns are the cheaper route and sturdy as hell too

Make sure you check with Kenmore codes. They are sticklers.
Where in Kenmore are you?

I’m jealous, since I wish my garage was attached, but then again, it would end up being a 5-6 car garage if I made it go back that far. :slight_smile:

Gotta be careful in Kenmore. They might make you move it five feet off the property lines if you tear it completely down. The village codes are funny like that.

Are you sure the garage is only nine years old? My garage has the same lean but it was probably built around the same time as the house. Its gotta be a Kenmore thing. Mine doesn’t flood though, it just rains inside because the roof is beyond shot!

Kenmore is on a peak and slope. From talking to some people, my street is on the lower point of Kenmore, so we get more water in our yards and basement. They rebuilt my 2 car a while back. it it sloped so the water, if any, goes towards the front of the gargae or into the drain tile.

Does anyone know the phone number of who i should contact for the codes in kenmore?
im a new home buyer and suck at it…lol

Joe i live on Highland like 5 house in from belmont.

My basement is so dry…its not even funny the water tiles and sump pump is ballin lol

Yea my whole backyard is like a fuckin swimming pool. like my house is on a hill and the backyard is a valley

Are you in Kenmore, or Town of Tonawanda? That area is Town of Tonawanda by some standards.

If Kenmore:

Town of Tonawanda:

For your yard, you can “move” the water from the low point to a different location with PCV pipes properly routed. My garage stays relatively dry compared to the Kenmore swamp I used to have.

My parents built a 24x32 in the town of tonawanda 2 years ago. We wanted to go 24x40 but it was over the sq ft allowed. You can go 15ft high, and i beleive it has to be 5 ft off the property line.

We originally talked to the neighbors and they had no problems with that size garage. We applied and paid the fee for a variance for the 24x40. They send out a notice to all of your neighbors and if one of them does not approve, the variance will be declined. Needless to say, when the time came, the neighbors didnt aprove. Piss on them.

how much is a cubic yard of concrete if I got them to come and pour it out of a cement truck?

I had a similar problem, but the old garage was already gone, I just called a bunch of contractors to have the old pad removed and a new garage built, I went with Federal Garage (885-5400), they will tear down the old one, and build a new one. Their ad says $9449 for a large 2 car (mine is 24x20) But since I’m in the city it was slightly more due to stricter codes, Kenmore is probably similar. We paid $10,500 and it was built in 3 days (1 day for demo and concrete, a month later 2 days for the build).

Don’t have to worry about any codes or crap like that.

Our garage is shit, leaning real bad. So my mom made sure she got good insurance for when it goes… Just waiting for that day. We agreed on screw fixing it if the insurance will pay for a brand new one. The things too crappy to fix anyways. No garage door either. So we can’t store anything that we’d give two shits about in it.

You live right next to a few of my friends. They live that apartment complex on the corner of Englewood & Highland.

Anyways, check there’s lots of good info and ideas there.

thats a good deal for that size. will they do any size you want or just smaller ones?

Yeah 10 grand is cheaper than I ever thought it would cost to build a new garage. What was included? Got any pics?

im interested as well… our garage is pretty nice but the floor blows. Also the same issue as described previously where the floor is sloping and we get water in it when it rains hard.

Wonder if i can just have the floor redone somehow with drain tiles like the basement? :confused:

edit: would also be nice to have a drain for winter time car washes and details :smiley:

That site rules!

x2, good call :tup:

I built a 20x24 addition to my back 2 car garage making it about 4-5 car. I think the lumber cost me about 1,800.00 concrete was another $1,500.00 with siding, windows, roofing, doors i have about 5,800 into it. The only thing i should have done and didnt was insulate it. I had to do the varience thing too as the size after it was done was larger than the town allowed for an out building, but it wasnt too bad. I also had to blend the addition into the old structure to make it look all the same. I wanted to make it taller for storage and they wouldnt allow it. Make sure you price shop the lumber it varies alot. Best price was through lenco, but quality wasnt excellent. Slightly more cost but alot better lumber was from Gui’s Lumber.
btw- Lenco now has pre made trusses for the roof that are cheap to buy and make building it yourself a breeze

I’ll note the lenco trusses well…
I need help with the slab constrution…

Is a 8in x 8in Footing and 6in overall for the construction of the floors good?
with gravel/vapor barrior and anchors of course…does that sounds pretty good?
Can i do it without the footers?

Depends on the town codes. I did it on a 8" pad (fibermesh) and used the blue drive it concrete screws for the sill plate with vapor barrier, not anchors.I didnt do my own concrete. i used southtowns concrete (charlie is the owner) they were really reasonable. They also had a really hot broad with tight shorts on helping so i stuck around to watch.LOL