So i decided to go for a drive. Normally i have my cell on me but i had got in an argument with my wife and tossed it in the back seat while it was still set on vibe. So while on my way home I remembered that it was there and grabbed it from the back only to see that I had a shit load of missed calls and some voice mails from her. Also a few texts saying that the cops were at my place and that i need to get home ASAP. So I call her to see what was up, but fearing that there might have been a break in or worse…
Anyway apparently some kids had got into the back yard and were generally making themselves at home.
Well my wife drove up to the house and busted them in the act. Than she called the cops.
Whatever so the arrogant little pricks were apparently on their cell phones acting all bad ass and telling her who did what and what not. i guess at some point the cops showed up and the little bastards started denying everything, and just being little D-bags in general.
Anyway they apparently got a talking to and were set free. My wife had the option of having them brought in but decided it wasnt worth it.
So my question is what are my options for the future? The kids around here(WS) are arrogant as fuck. Really what happened to the days when you could smack the shit out of a youngin for being disrespectful. Shit i got it when I was a kid. I feel kinda ripped off for not being able to dish it out lol.
No but really. What are my options. i have an above ground pool, with a raised patio’ish thing on the side of it, and a latter going into the pool. Apparently its an insurance requirement. But the last thing i need is some little shithead spraining his ankle in my yard or drowning in my pool, or getting chewed up by my dog. Although a lesson would probably be learned on his behalf i really dont need the hassle.
As far as if it happens again…Can i forcefully remove the “trespassers” from my property, or do I have to be nice?
What about no trespassing signs, beware of dog signs and all that crap. Would they be a good way to cover my ass in a “just in case” scenario?
Be the cool neighbor. Shoot the shit with them a few times. Maybe even buy a case of beer and misplace it behind the shed. The kids will trample the neighbors garden instead of yours.
I dont mind being the cool neighbor at all. but everyone is so fucking sue happy. Also some of the kids around here just seem…well …like d-bags. But really what am I going to talk to them about? I have an easy ten years on most of em.
I dont mind being the cool neighbor at all. but everyone is so fucking sue happy. Also some of the kids around here just seem…well …like d-bags. But really what am I going to talk to them about? I have an easy ten years on most of em.
I dont mind being the cool neighbor at all. but everyone is so fucking sue happy. Also some of the kids around here just seem…well …like d-bags. But really what am I going to talk to them about? I have an easy ten years on most of em.
They aren’t that much younger… Talk to them with respect and in return they will respect you. And slip “but you guys gotta stay outta the yard” at some point during the conversation
See thats the thing. A few weeks ago some of the kids in the neighbourhood had stacked some rocks in the middle of the road, and my wife damn near hit them with her car while comming home from work. so on our way out they were still there and she asked the kids to move the rocks. she was being respectfull and all but then one of the D-bags got all disrespectfull and thats wen the shit hit the fan. Some of the other kids were allright, but the one dude really wanted to go for a ride in the trunk lol.
i really have no problem with kids. Shit I used to be a disrespectfull little punk too. i just cant stand it when they get all disrespectfull for no reason.
Agreed. i have two dogs…Well one and a half. One of my fears is that one day i might have them in the yard and some kid will jump the fence and my dog will chew him up.
Granted the shithead shouldnt be there in the first place, but Id hate to put my dog down just because she defended her propperty.
Your the type that gets fucked with the most. No group of teenagers is going to fear you. And he already said he has a dog you dumb fuck. READ! And thanks for the tip.
I know what you mean. I was that kid… They will repect another man being cool with them. Really. And if they are at least 15 yrs old or so, that beer thing will work. Thats all they want, so give it to them, ya know? Just my 2 cents.
I fucking hate kids, I mean I really fucking hate them. They have NO respect what so ever for any one or any thing.
I recently picked up a honda 50 and my buddy was over for the 4th of july and he was tooling around my yard with it. Some random shit head kid sees him and comes flying though my yard on what looked to be one of the PEP BOYS mini bikes with the large tires.
I have no idea what he was thinking but, he was hauling some serious ass, my dog was outside and about time he hit my dog or one of my guests I would have lost it. When I saw him fly through I yelled the famous “get the fuck out of my yard”. He drove around the school yard that is behind my house and then came back though and just stared at us like we were in the wrong.
I really wanted to grab a shovel and give him a SOLID face smash as he rode by.
Who teaches a kid that he can just drive though anyones yard, much less at a high rate of speed on a motorized vehicle?
I wont even get in to the story about the kid who I SAW break a windshield with a baseball then run into his house. Only to have his mother come over to my house the next night and proceed to tell me that I did in FACT NOT see him do it… FUCK I HATE KIDS.