its bad news for somebody who thought that shooting paintballs at my house when i was home. the paintball deal is bad enough but i have 2 children and it scared them and now im pissed off to no extent. heres what i know so far . they are from my area because i heard the sound of the exhaust of there car and i hear it often. 2nd i know that its not grown ass men because they laughed like a bunch of bitches. everyone knows when you do something like this in a small town and your not by yourself one of the people will be bragging to there friends and sooner or later i will find out. if the people who did come and clean off my house and apologize to my kid nothing more will be said. if i have to wait and find out there are gonna be cop’s involved . not for them but for me . i feel like this . you shot at my kids whether or not it was paintballs or not you still did it. i feel its my right to protect my children and in doing so it involves violence on somebody or sombodies. when i do find out pray to god im not as mad as i am now because of right now your family is in danger and so are you. i would right now drill out every joint in there body and tell them to run and while they are i would cut them the way you do a deer. i know there are some people on here from my area so tell your buddies.
Wow, thats some childish shit. I’ll keep my ears open in the Mount Pleasant/Scottdale area for ya. Hope you catch them.
dont step on any flaming bags on your front pouch!!
Hell, I’d be mad too. You have every reason to be. But just in case you do something crazy, maybe take the threatening of physical violence out of your post? Paper trails are bad.
i hope you find them
nothing will scare the piss out of someone like confronting them
Your a triaxle driver, wow dump the bodies anywhere:eek:
i sure am.
i hate for kids to get in trouble and i did alot of stuff growing up myself. if they come to me and say im sorry we had a few beers and got out of hand with the paintball gun it will never happen again. thats fine . or theres the alternative.
good luck! find those ass’s
im confused…which one is it your house or your kids?
I know your pissed…but don’t do something thats gonna get you in trouble. Those kids will most likely get some type of public disturbance/destruction charge which is usually just a misdemeanor(2nd degree). An ass whooping from mom n dad and a fine to be paid(if mom n dad don’t pay it for them). We all were that age(some of us not too long removed from that point in time) But you and I know they aren’t gonna snitch themselves out…kids aren’t that dumb anymore…you’ll hear about it from them bragging…eventually…
well my kids were in the house when it was shot at. and your right not so long ago i was a kid also.
Kick thier ass Seabass!
who says ur still not ?
it was prob u & tomvito all drunk, and 4got it was ur own house :tounge:
at first i was’nt mad i just thought pewter got pissed off at you at the garage and tried to kick you back to irwin. when i realized it was’nt shit brown like you( you know shit splatters) and more of a baby shit color i realized you were’nt stuck to my house.
:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: