bad news for somebody


I would keep an eye out for them. Kids are dumb, they will come back to look at what they did, or bring their friends to show them.


did you get a look at the car?

not that night but them one i think it is ive seen before. when i here it ill definatly know. most of the time when your doing something wrong its best to do it in an unobvious car . not one with a missing muffler that back fires when you get out the throttle… those small engine chevy cars sure have a distinct sound when the muffler is missing.

cavy wit a fart can or no muffler

are you serious?

" i feel like this . you shot at my kids whether or not it was paintballs or not you still did it. i feel its my right to protect my children and in doing so it involves violence on somebody or sombodies"

  1. the difference between a paintball gun and a real gun is one that cannot be overlooked. One stings a little for a second, the other will splatter your brains all over a wall. I’ve had people corn my house, but I didn’t compare it to a driveby. :ugh:

  2. Beating up some kids after the fact is NOT protecting your children.

  3. Right now the terroristic threats you just made on the forum would get you in far more trouble with the police than what those kids would be.

  4. If you’re going to fuck somebody up, dont write about it on a public messageboard.

  5. Which would be better for your kids? You letting this go as a kids being kids or beat them up and go to jail and then your kids dont have a dad for a few years.

  6. If you aren’t serious about what you posted and were just trying to vent, disregard everything I’ve posted. :wink:

You mean there are parents out there that beat their kids asses? I thought I was a lost breed…:doh:

WHY do I alawys get dragged into this shit???

I dont even drink anymore…

what about 2 weekends ago and last sat night?:bowrofl:


tom vito says: oooohhhh that was different i was just socializing.


my camaro has been egged and silly stringed int he past 3 months… homey isnt happy either.

hope you find out who did this and beat them like a red headed step child… or like SoLowTBSS-2-BE

:squint: and just think i actually invited u for saturday night…

was you gonna blow him? :kekegay:

I wasn’t socializing, I was just trying to make your wife look good…:asshole

oooooooo!!! LOL :owned:

no thats were u come in :hitit:

i said drinking not eating all the pizza.

you invited him. not me :slap:

ur married :kekegay: