Random neighbor fact.

Turns out this guy lives up the street from me and
came to our New Years party…

I had no idea what his back ground was, I just know he’s a professor @ BSC.

It does help explain some of conversations though.
And sort of explains why my dog hated him at 1st.

Other than sex offenders, what kind of weird neighbors do NYSpeeders have?

Mine are all black.

so we’re weird

I have a nosy neighbor who hates musclecars. Always accused me of speeding when I was just driving normal down the street (20mph)… He even called the cops on me and told em i “peeled out of the driveway” in my tempo… IN A TEMPO!?

Was it Newmans old “Tempo”?

You damned crazy Tempo drivers! I swear to God! They should all be put in jail!

got a sex offender a block down my street… he just moved in a few months ago. AWESOME.

we have a odd old guy with about 3 teeth and his wife

and a music store

a sex offender lives about 3 min away, creeeepy

eviljay used to fuck my neighbor…
does that count?

I’m mostly surrounded by nosey old people. I met one dude just recently and within 3 minutes he was asking me when I was going to fix my chimney. :bloated:

The family right next door to me is cool as shit though. The guy across the street is cool too. And he has Mastiffs. Huge dogs are inherently cool. He was telling me the bigger one weighs 247 pounds and has a 36" neck. It’s scared of people.

pretty sure there is about 6 sex offenders living within a 1/4 of my house

a house full of college girls on one side, a family from the Caribbean on other.
across the street there is a crazy woman who videotapes everything going on and lets me know about kids running on my lawn to retrieve a basketball and for me not to worry because she called the cops on them.

are they all in the same room? that’s a lot of sex offenders crammed into a small portion of your house

don’t you just love that, lol. I hate people like that. My neighbor did something similar when i moved in…The guy we bought the house from ended up leaving a ton of shit in the garage, so I was cleaning it out, moving things to the driveway to dispose of, etc. All of a sudden, the guy is right behind me. Didn’t introduce himself, didn’t say welcome to the neighborhood…first thing he says is “you’re not going to leave all this stuff out are you? Garbage won’t take most of this stuff”

I’m like “WTF dude, go back to your side of the road and get fucked”.

later I find out he’s a convicted sex offender :bloated:

Most people on my street are younger first time home buyers. 2 State poilce, town of tonawanda fire chief, 1 town cop. If not then there old and have lived here for 40+ years. Some nice rides on the block. Next door this is an sti with a flowmaster exhaust, across the street a sweet pro street vega, and another new challenger down the street. Nice origional 76 corvette. Lexus suv’s and some some nice bmw’s.

I believe this website maps out where the sex offenders are in your neighborhood

is the vega blue by any chance?

My immediate neighbor insists on telling all our friends about the amazing deal we got on our house.

She details the vast amount of work and effort I have put in, and reiterates how I paid less than she did and I have a larger house.

My house was a freaking hole when we looked at it. She had the same tour before I did, although I doubt she threw herself into the kitchen wall saying “WOW… thats quite a slope in the floor”
It was at least 4" over 4’. I guess she has no idea how much it costs to modernize and fix a house.

But, shes putting her place up for sale in the spring :slight_smile:

Edit: Maybe it will sell before we throw our block party :slight_smile:

No red tubbed with a small block. It never gets driven once in a while he will take it out to wash it and go around the block then back into the garage. He also has a 49 chevy all origional sedan that only comes home on fathers day when he drives it once a year, then right back into storage.

i actually put them into their own 1x1x5ft Closet, all in the basement

the only time i let them out is the first day of school and halloween night

i plan to have atleast 10 by next september
