what to do about DB in my new neighborhood?

moved into my new house last month. There is a guy who owns a black Rex with stock wheels and a 4" exhaust. I swear his car must only have on gear because he rides 1st gear all the way to redline anywhere on my street. Just now at 3am he went Wot all through the neighborhood. I think he is doing it to show off

Any ideas on how to tell him to stfu and stop driving like a prick around the street? The car sounds like ass, and is so loud it wakes me and my dogs up at night and now I’m stuck awake with the puppy.

If you know where he lives…and hes a younger guy living at home with mom and dad…go over and have a chat with mom and dad about their sons driving habits.

If its an old guy who is just a douchebag…leave him a note on the windshield asking him to tone it down or you will call the authorities…say something to the idea of you were walking your dog late at nite and this car went screaming by and barely missed you. Will get the cops attention. Plus its Lancaster…I know most of the cops…get a plate # :slight_smile:

Get a crotch rocket. redline the piss out of it right near his house when you know he’s sleeping.

or, call the cops and tell them some shady shit is going on late at night and give his plate number to them. also make mention that he fucking RIPS WOT while leaving as well.

take a shit on his hood and do a few heaters on his lawn? :gotme:

Oh, and I always thought it’d be funny to take someones wheels off of their car, leave it on jackstands, and leave the stack of wheels in front of their car.

They’d be fucking paranoid that something else got fucked with, and it would be hilarious.

just call the cops and make a complaint. After i moved into my house there was a super loud annoying back hoe plow thingy with the loudest back up beeper i have ever heard in my life. they liked to plow there business lot on weekdays @ 3 or 4 in the morning. Everytime they would plow the ground would shake and the back up beeper sounded like my fucking alram clock going off. well needless to say this lasted about 2 nights till i had to call the cops. There is now no more plowing done @ 3am.

just call the authorities and explain the situation.


box of nails. stop him in his tracks.


some good ideas there

God im glad I dont live near any of U.

Me too! Just talk to the guy. Tell him how you know that Subaru’s are the best cars ever made, and he doesn’t need to remind you at 3:00 am. If he’s a prick, then get aggressive but I bet if you just tell him that he’s annoying he’ll stop.

I was thinking I’d buy the silencer 4 his muffler and epoxy it in place late @ night

nyspeed meet at this guys house at 3am and all go by his house reving our engines to piss him off lol.

sand in his gas tank

i would be happy to help him out




I’m sure at once time you were a DB with your riced out Tiburon…

call the police or paintball his car when he drives by. i am thinking of snipering bikers in my neighborhood

My exhaust was never this loud, nor did I hold 1 st gear for 400 yards

Get a car marker, the ones they use for wedding decor and car lots.

Write a big angry letter ON HIS CAR. Start on the windsheild and work down the hood.