pjb,s garbage man busted

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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: duuhwanesburg
Posts: 319
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thankx for throwing me under the bus with all the pjb b/s…really thanx…
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want a fuckin tissue

hahahahahah plus REP!

i’m not followin… he sent you a pm?

yeah thats the p/m i got …like i blew up his spot

where the hell was he getting all of that shit though?

have no idea ,just goin by what i heard … i wasnt really sure as there was a bunch of rumors goin round but this confirmed it for us all

Location: duuhwanesburg

What more information could you possibly need? :rofl

I TOLD you guys weeks ago that it was him. I could tell just by reading his posts on this forum.

Generally, when somebody defends themselves against something when there is absolutely no need to, or if they haven’t been questioned, that raises the red flag for me.

like cazwrx with the lawnjob on you :lol

+rep for john madddddd neg reps for silveradoman

I was just kidding but looks like I was right!

wonder where the toilet came from??? john care to enlighten us???

i have no idea …the night that happened i have alibi,s about 30 peeps at the lot till about 3-4 then home after ,oh and just so ya know pjb knows i wouldnt do that to him plus he would hear my truck

didn’t the toilet get dumped on a weeknite= why would you hangout at the lot (with your truck???) on a weeknite


The day he made the thread was the day after a bunch of us…sean, cossey, me, frank(underboosted), john, sully, adam, delucia, nick, pete, dave, kramer, dkid, nick’s brother…were there til about 2-3AM then went and had some “fun runs” on the highway. John had the Grand Prix that night too anyways. And yes it was during the week, we tend to hang out there during the week quite a bit now since the weekends are shot down by clowns

Caught redhanded and trying to blame it on other members FTL.

do0d u were in on it as well as john…

silveradoman, watch the finger pointing or you will be put in time out, no one likes a SNITCH.

tell that to john and joey and chriss07assass and those other clowns that were in on it and threw me under the bus

We were definitely not putting shit in Paul’s truck…I love how you’re trying to throw us in because we threw you in because you cant keep hush hush about something that you did to a FORUM MEMBER…you don’t think people talk?

i no people talk i just wish the peole that threw me under the bus woulda shut their mouth and take some of the blame for what happened…i never threw anyone under the bus for what happened…

no no drama, no no no no drama