pjb,s garbage man busted


Dont pull on my hand boy…

:rofl :rofl :rofl

well heres a simple solution, to prevent people “throwing you under the bus”, stop doing the things that would enable them to throw you under said bus

You are horrible at telling lies.

You are also a tool for trying to blame what you did on other people. Grow the fuck up.

I didn’t know for sure you did it, I could just make a hypothesis judging by some previous posts you made. Although you probably don’t even know what hypothesis means but I’m sure there are other members on this forum that do.

But where the hell did you get the Santa sled?

from the north pole itself probably

…technically i didn’t put anything in the back of pjbs truck there were two people in the back of my truck that picked up said sleigh and put it in the back of pjbs truck…i however am guilty of transporting said sleigh…joey even passed us while we were in route to pick up said sleigh…the other 5 people that were involved that nite havent said shit on here about it but laffed in pjb’s faced when he explained what had happened…im sure your genius hypotheseis has come up with more than 1 person putting said ricckity sleigh in the back of pjb’s truck huh??..think about this…i never knew where pjb lived untill said nite and i prolly couldn’t find it again if i wanted to as it was dark out…what about the tailgate being locked…im gonna drive behind his truck and lift that sleigh over his tailgate riiiiiite…

wow this is awesome

Why did you throw my name into this when I clearly have no part in this (as well as Joey and John)? I don’t even know who you are aside from your forum name so I would be careful as to who you are trying to falsely accuse in this case… you never know who is reading your posts. Just FYI.

Dude are you seriously trying to tough talk this guy? You’re like 5’2" and 115lbs soaking wet.

u obvoiusly have no clue about joey and johns part in this so if i were you i wud just stay the fuck out of the situation…thankx for the rep:thumbup

calm down


You still didn’t answer my question. Why was MY name thrown into this?

Just explain to me and that will be the end of it. :hug

sips some jack and coke

im good just taking in the whole scene…i know this chris guy is goo0d friends with a certain someone who shall not be named but was in on it as well… and im sure informed him of the entire situation

I think you have the wrong Chris, bud. :lol

nope i def ogt the right one LEO…

Who are you again?

I’m telling you right now to knock off the false accusation bullshit.

It’s cool if you are friends with Mike and Frank and whoever else I went to High School with, but please don’t try to act like you are my friend and can fuck around with me like you may do with them. ESPECIALLY with trying to blame me for something I clearly did not do and try to make me look like a scumbag that throws garbage into people I don’t know’s trucks. I have better things to do with my life, like my career and education, to name a few.

everybody needs to calm the fuck down seriously.

ill start banning bitches, starting with Joey.
