Paul Brudzienski, otherwise known as ‘PJB’, recently posted a for sale thread selling some radio controlled vehicles. Given my current status with not much to do in my scant free time, I thought it’d be nice to drive them around the parking lot of my hotel room.

I attempted to purchase the aformentioned vehicles several times from the seller, and there was very little effort put forth on his end to complete the sale. I offered to pay shipping costs for the vehicles, or to meet in person the next time that I am in the area, and apparently neiter (reasonable imo) solution was good enough.

Buyers beware…

ya dint send pics of your cock to him thats why

Garage sale is easier and I dont have to leave my house.

Its not hard to ship items Paul…wtF!

No but even easier if somebody puts money in my hand in my driveway.
One is already gone and the garage sale is tomorrow too.

paul has been busy going to Brokeback on the weekends to visit his fishing buddy, with whom he “doesnt fish”

wow pual i cant believe im hearing this

never will i ever think about doing business with a lazy guy like you !

holy shit… your sig is insane

a car on fire… should be an STi

haha nicccce