pjb,s garbage man busted

Ban me, I need a break from this forum.

I’m being completely serious btw.

do me a favor and shut the fuck up

You wont ban k20

silverado man, strike 2.


strike 3 and brett calls you a useless human being and other fun filled life commentary.

alls im saying is stop accusing me i told you my peice of the story frank and mike who???..im certainly not your friend mr I’m #1 and think my shit dont stink…and wtf r u gonna do about it anyways??


Ass whoopin timez??


I’ve been getting that a lot lately.

Must be that new cologne I started wearing. DAMN YOU, ASPEN!

do werk fizzle. put him in timeout. silverado man needs a nap.

and a new shirt because those coorslight shirts he rocks are straight out the trailer park.


what are you? 11? going to church tomorrow? wearing a sweatervest over a button up and some hellishly pale khakis?

What are you afraid to ban 110lb white kid that looks like Harry Potter?

I smell like the adirondacks:number1

Or trees in your case:number1

I like this smiley :number1

Damn that feels good.

Remind me never to be in power of a country or anything.

People would die.

Wait did you ban k20?

He banned rad man

He needs to ban k20. That kid is nuisance

find me something to ban him for and I will, doesnt matter how far back it is. I have no morals and thoroughly enjoy abusing power.just find it.