Post your 350Z Videos :)

i’m scared to ask what ‘jonse’ means, but i’ll assume it’s something good and non-perverse :slight_smile:

^^ LMAO… from the looks of it, it’s probably perverse…

hahah! Not perverse!
Means I am craving it!

riiiiigggght …

i’ve come to the conclusion that there’s some really wonked out users on TNC, gabe with his drug highs and you with your special ebonics :slight_smile:

don’t hate the player, hate the game yo.

Thread’s off-topic here…

Yo gabe, go post my exhaust video…

From the detail?

yup that one

yyyaaayyyy video posting :smiley:

i dont think anyone will post any vids after seein a tt Z video no one can top that =D

Whatever happened to my exhaust video? GABE!!!

and pfft… twin turbo Z, it’s only Richard

Don’t get your panties in a bunch… I’ll up it tomorrow… :stuck_out_tongue:

Video’s done, but youtube’s down… :frowning:

^ What a liar… i just went on Youtube. Stop making excuses

rubbish … i’m sure people have cool vids on their computers, they just don’t want to share :hmm either that or people like xuper rely on people like bmwww to post their vids and nothing gets done cuz gabe is SLOOOOOOOOOOOOW :wink: haha

and your buddy with the fully-built greddy :wink: i’m very curious to see how close i can get before he pulls on me, yes HE SHOULD PULL ON ME or else all that boost is wasted :slight_smile:

It was in downtime for the better half of an hour… just went back up… it’s clearing through “Youtube Customs” as we speak.

Exams last week, couldn’t be bothered to post up! Honest!
Do you mind if I strang some clips together of our photo/cruise of your ‘stock’ 350z?

David, call me up in spring when you meet him again… Just found Windows Movie Maker, and I’ll play around with it soon… I’ll make a crappy video of most of our meets.

How do I convince my parents that I’ll drive safe with a Black BMW?.. Better yet, how do I convince them that a sub 290hp/324tq '02 540i is better than an e46 325i?:stuck_out_tongue:
/off topic

He’s actually going back to the states to get it tuned again, he’s aiming for a much higher psi (AS IF 14 WASN’T ENOUGH). He’s also going to run a staggered psi setup so he can have more traction to the wheel haha.

I’m pretty sure he’ll hand your ass over to you without any problem…

off topic This same guy is the guy that I got careless driving ticket with.

BMW 5 series is heavier and has more safety features. And power doesn’t mean shit for safety. I’m driving 290hp around and I’ve seen worse cars crash due to their lack of common sense and driving inability. There’s a bunch of reasons I can come up with. But enough for now.

Thanks for a few points… I’ma need a LOT of points to convince my parents.

Video’s here, not working currently… Going to sleep-- hope it works!

BRING IT ON … i like a good challenge :slight_smile:

btw, $250 exhaust mod and it sounds awesome :slight_smile:

Hahaha, he’s just waiting for your ass to come out. He’s winter driving it too, just doesn’t drive when there’s too much snow. He’s on his 19" summer tires too!

Edit: not so sure now… he’s little worrisome about the careless driving we just got and doesn’t want a street racing ticket