Power Wheels Mustang

As many of you probably don’t know me…I’m a designer at Fisher-Price and was fortunate enough to be involved in a pretty cool project, the Power Wheels Mustang. I’m not here to advertise this thing, but to show you guys some pics of it simply because I think it’s pretty damn cool and thought you may be interested. This will be coming out in a few months and will retail for around $250. Functionaly there is not much difference to traditional Power Wheels that you may be used to seeing, but we did add an additional recess area for a second battery:snky:

Check it out!











LOL… that is AWESOME

Great work!

I want one!

Wow, that’s fucking awesome.

I wish I had toys like that when i was a kid

I only had a abacus

Wow that thing is very cool.

oh snap!

I wanna see the blueline sketches for that - great job capturing the scowl in the first pic. the plate is sweet too!

when i was in high school we took a trip to the factory in ea for cadd and holy shit is all i can say. we saw blueprints for things that i couldnt even imagine them making. we also got to design new power wheels for them using the old broken ones. haha needless to say we fixed the old go-carts they gave us and wired them up to double the power…they didnt last long when we raced past the principles office. haha

kiddy hotness

you need to make a power wheels evo, or a power wheels turbo hatch :slight_smile:



The skyline is only available through Fisher Price Japan…you have to pay Motorex 17,000 dollars to import it

like it. wow great work.

MOTOREX is out of business…must not be demand for PW Skylines

looks pretty cool, maybe i will buy one for the neice

thats awesome :tup: what software do you use?

I imagine that designing stuff like that wouldnt be all that easy.

nice job man

To scale those rims gotta be 24s. And are the head-lights and tail-lights functional, they look it. That thing is sweet.