Root Beer Kegger

:rofl: :rofl:


nice cover up though, now the next time he throws a party and has an actual keg of beer everyone will think its root beer again haha

we did this when we were kids. put apple juice in empty 40’s and walked around the neighborhood drinking them. Funny thing is no one cared.

I think this is pretty funny. Props to the kids.

root beer actually sounds good lol

Draft A&W FTW:blue:

Hahaha, thats a way to make the school and police look like asses. The police from my area would have been so pissed.

haha that’s awesome!
i just watched the video on youtube of where the cops actually came into the house of gave everyone a breathelizer. hahahaha everyone passed.
i can only imagine how pissed those cops were when they left.


rock bottoms draft rootbeer is good too

damn good idea…i know that would piss off the cops where i lived.

i still think that silver2kws6 would get drunk at this party

Nice. Way to waste police resources and make a statement :slight_smile:

such a good idea lol


i think it would be harder to chug/keg stand root beer than the real deal.

Theres a video up on youtube the kids shot. Its halarious, the cop could barly keep a straight face.

talk about some frothy head

i mean i dont think its that funny. sure cops can be dicks but they gotta put up with a bunch of shit too. what about all the times they do have to deal with drunk abnoxious kids?

clearly there is nothing to do in wisconsin except act like fags.

u are missing the point. kids were expelled from school because of pics of them at a party w/ red cups.