s15, im unaware...

why arent there any in canada? how come we never got a ka’d version here? can you import them here, or is it illegal for some reason? if so, can you import a front clip and rear clip then put em together?

They are too new, you need to wait till 2013 or sumtin the car needs to be 15 years or older to import it here and drive it. But the split in half might work…

I think they stoped selling the 240sx in north america because lack of sales, as for importing there has to be a certain amount of time untill you can import them i forget how many years old.

S14 was a sales failure in Canada, so it made no sense to bring over the S15, even with a KA-which would be a big kick in the nuts. They aren’t available for import for street use because they are <15 years old, but you can import them for the track.

Not touching the last bit…

so you can register them, just not get plates?


yes how ever you just cant be like hey im tracking this car , you need concrete evidence like member ship to tracks actully be apart of a league or something for longer then a yr. theres a few things needed . this is what i have been told so dont qoute me on it .

hmm, so when can these be brought over? 2013?

2014 and it’s going to go by year, month of production of vehicle…and you don’t need to be a ,member of anything you just cant get caught driving on the street…

can’t wait for 2014. or 2015 for a r34

If they left the SR in it maybe they would have sold more…

So true.

First year R34’s aren’t worth it IMO. The V-Spec II’s have a superior trim. Unless you import yourself, I have a feeling people are gonna be selling R34’s like they did R32’s when they first came over (30-40K).

Save a bunch of money, fly to Japan in 4 years, buy parts at prices you will never see in Canada, have your car built at prices you will never see in Canada by some of the best shops in the biz-they do package builds, where as everything except swaps is per hr billing here-then come back and laugh about how you have 50K worth of shit when you paid <25K. You can probably buy a shop built car by Kazama Auto for unde 25K. When Signal was selling off a bunch of shop cars 5 years ago I don’t think one was over 25 grand to jus give you an idea.

Go on Yahoo Auctions Japan and see what shops sell their cars for. Fuck cutting it in half and paying out the ass for everything when you can fly there and laugh it up.

someone needs to close this thread.
seriously…use the search tool

aint mad…just come on though… ive seen like 3 of these threads in less than a year + googling it will give u 1000000s of answers in no time…

You’ve changed…

maybe you can do something like farmer did when he put together the R34 and registered it here and changed the vin to a canadian vin or something?


It’s unbelievable to think that there was a lack of 240sx sales in 1997-98. It seems like an amazing bang for your buck! How many RWD cars are as nice and cheap as the 240sx!?!?!