I was wandering if anybody knows if its possible to import a 97-98 with mods (sr20, lowered, etc.) from the States.

I know its ok to bring in anything if its 15 years or older …


You’re mixed up. 15+ from countries other than the US.

Pretty much any age from the US. There is the US vehicle admissability list you should check.

Also this has been covered already in detail so search and you should have sufficient information.

I cant find anything about this topic. I have found a 1997 240sx located in Texas and it has the sr20det installed. Will I be able to import it and register it in Ontario???

Thanks a ton !!!

its only 15 and older for rhd vehicles, try google, tons of info found there too.

so you should have no problems

as long as you stay there 2 days when picking it up and declare it anything can be bought.

^ what? LOL
a car is a lil different…

u can bring in any modified car into canada from the states… as long as its street legal stuff

^^ where the hell did you get that info boost?

this sounds great so it can be done no problem, and yah whats up with the 2 day stay can buy anything ?? sure 4 alchool not really cars … but keep the responses coming ! thanks

start there

theres a process you have to follow

… they have s15’s and r34s down south… there legal?

theres a couple s15’s in the niagara and windsor area im pretty sure

right drive had one aswell

That doesnt exist, hence evos, us c6 vettes, mr-s etc being around. They changed it two years ago.

As per the List of Admissible Vehicles from the United States (under EXPLANATIONS - SECTION 3), vehicles that have been modified from their original state, other than regular maintenance, may not be eligible for importation into Canada. For example, a van transformed into a motorhome (often known as Class B motorhome), a van equipped with raised roof and/or modified interior, a pick-up or passenger car equipped with a lift kit, a motorcycle converted to a motor tricycle (trike), etc

A U.S. specification vehicle is a vehicle designed, built, tested and certified by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to meet all applicable U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS).

Modifications beyond typical repair would deem the vehicle inadmissible for import into Canada as it would not meet Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.

If you have any further questions, please contact our office at 1-888-848-8240.

so I have called them and apparently you can not register a car that has been modified :frowning: THIS SUCKS !!!

The list is gone eh, thanks Dylan.

no, the list is not gone

there are still inadmissible vehicles that you cannot bring from the US

evo’s, mr-s, gto’s, etc are allowed now because of ONE small change to the admissibility requirements… namely bumper regulations that have been harmonized between the US and Canada

so certain models, where they weren’t before, are now admissible

others still aren’t

for example you still cant import a lotus elise

modifications that are obv noticible.

ie huge ricer kits, and such… and lift kits

wheels are fine for example.
i imported a 350z with exhaust, intake, and int. mods.

skylines, s15, and other IMPORTED vehicles to the states are GREY market vehicles , which are NOT admissible.

a cleany done swap will go unnoticed.

if u have ever actually imported a vehicle, and for those who have. you shoulda noticed as long as you dont try to jew your way outta paying the proper taxes. they will quickly look over it to make sure u dont smuggle in any drugs or such illegal things, then question you on your purchase price, (show some real proof) and then let u go after paying duty, and part of the tax.

after registering with RIV. u will receive vehicle inspection form 1, where u take ur car to crappy and they wont even look at it… and will just check shit off and let u go on your way. u then get a REGULAR safety check… whether its fake or not…and a etest (same shit)… then MTO register it…

again its like calling ur insurance and asking can i insure my unsafe rice rocket thats been swaped with a turbo engine… oh im 17years old… is that a problem?

LOL… bringing in a modified vehicle, as long as it isnt LIFTED. or modified beyond oem specs… (a full tube chassised car… a lift kit… a van to a motorhome… LOL) but a SR in a car it was meant to go in can be brought… coilovers… as long as u dont bring it over slammed that its scrapping… the suspension is to oem fit so u can deem it as a replacement for an old worn out shock…