Shoes for work

ok thanks

are we allowed to post things like this? cause i was checkin out this bitchin sweater at the gap the other day

You really are fucking gay.

Wal-mart. $15

Payless $20.

Or Learn how to balance and wear normal shoes

I’d be able to but its a requirement at dennys.

Red wings.

Oh god, which Denny’s?

they dont check your shoes to make sure. wear whatver the fuck you want.

wtf happend to continental and fyi the sweater thing was a joke douchebag

that place isnt for me, I cant stand sitting or standing in one spot, although dish washing isn’t the best for moving around atleast I’ll stay busy. Plus with my car the way it likes to be I need to be able to get to my job.
I won’t get the shoes unless they say something to me about it.

that job made you a man, ugh droppin trannys is worse than dishes?!? well unless youre getting paid more to do dishes