Shoes for work

I need some black slip resistent shoes for work, I’m looking cheap though. wheres a good place?

like anything man there is no such thing as cheap and good. one or the other Bro

Lol well I’m used to falling from skateboarding.
Where would I go cheap then, I doubt they will notice.
How much you think they would be?
They gotta be black.


um foot locker? dsw? finishline?

have you ever been to a mall?

goodwill is in your price range

I know stores carry them in general I was just look for input from people who might have some. But normally I don’t go to those stores I wear skate shoes.

Another job?

Worried about slipping on the tile in the makeup section of Macy’s?

i seriously dont get why you post this. i think the amount of attention you are getting from guys making fun of you is what you thrive on.howies thread was valuable for shoe. howie is looking for a quality shoe. you seriously make me wanna stab babies with the attention whoring you do.

payless shoes?

When i used to work in a kitchen i had a pair of Birkenstock slip resistant clogs. Some of the dishwashers had a sneaker type shoes that they got from target.

They’ll match your makeup.

Ya dennys up the road from me.

I posted it because I don’t have the availability to go around to places nor the money until friday, but the making fun of me is quite entertaining, but if you think I’m some 15 yr old girl looking for attention from people who don’t like me then thats in your head.

And I’d say recommendations on shoes from people on here is a bit easier then getting a good answer for “loan consolidation”, so yes I’m thriving for attention by asking an easy question many of you can probably answer.


this thread sucks

typical recommend something GOOD but Im fucking broke.

stop wasting peoples time.

#1- Given your reputation on this forum, why even bother posting this?
#2- They’re shoes. Its not like you’re buying a car. Go anywhere. Wear anything.

Yet another waste of bandwidth.

and more.

payless has slip resistant shoes for like $20…if you really need slip resistant, then $20 is probably the cheapest you will find them…