Sightings Thread

strike first strike hard no mercy.


Johnny K erryday erryday

Red datsun 240z on what looked to be (and i’m hoping they were), real 17" te-37v with a cage going up 9r 5 minutes ago.

I see that car on rt9 all the time super sexy

Spotted a white GTR on Central by 155 headed towards Schenectady. I heard there was supposed to be snow in Alaska tonight, so I doubt it was Bakerian.

errrday, if you sell those wheels you had on this summer lemme know, btw.


Saw a black E36 m3 on 890 with the plate “sick m3” if anyone knows him please tell him he is the greatest driver that has ever graced my eyes, his madd skills far surpass mine. He must have the Euro “no turn signal delete” cause i didnt see it when he “tried” to boot it across 3 lanes of traffic being all cool broish. anywho cool story.

also a white GTR on 88 last wk.

Stratton had snow (just a dusting), same with a mountain in west virginia. a mountain has already opened in minnesota and my friend in colorado got a couple inches :ahh

Mad river got 6 inches yesterday. It was down to about an inch when I was up there around 2pm though. There were ski tracks up top though.

black GTR with a dealer plate by the exit 24 trailer parking lot this afternoon

Yellow zr1 on ball town rd.

Willy Wonka at the Cheesecake Factory

Saw the inflation rate taking a hike.

Blue WRX wagon, red mud flaps, exhaust, and stickers all over the windows last night on RT7 around 11:45pm.

blue wrx sedan with mud flaps, exhuast and a BRO sticker. custom plate like “statusmo” something gay im sure. driving like a fool on rt 7 during lunch traffic.

think i saw liar aleros 3 series at bmw? does he have black wheels on ir now?

i dont think thats his. His has some really fucked up rear camber.

I saw a silver Prowler on the northway above Lake George this morning

That service area is janked the FUCK up.