Social Networking sites

Likes, Dislikes, what you’d like to see change, etc;

Personally, I dislike the narcissistic nature of them and all the BS people can build into their pages. I got rid of myspace because I was tired of hearing people’s gay songs and having their videos and 8 million pictures loading on the page automatically. That and I was tired of all the spam friend invites from half naked broads that were clearly not real.

Amen to that

They are great if you want to become an internet superstar

what’s myspace?

damn kids these days are retarded. :slight_smile: :smiley:

I’m married, what networking could I possibly do that will end well :confused:

myspace is gay

I completely agree, but I was wondering if you had any suggestions for changes.

Like for instance: a site to serve 25-35 year olds (instead of teeny boppers) might help you find places with good prices on performance parts, a good wine list, etc. Since most of us don’t give a shit who is on MTV and where they hang out.

If you could have a feature on a site that offered you some value not currently available with gayspace or facebook, what would it be?

I don’t mean to blaspheme, but is there anything this site doesn’t provide?

car talk? :smiley:

no, it would just get overrun by retards. Whatever happened to going outside and playing/doing stuff instead of sitting on a fagort webpage in your room talking to other fagorts doing the same thing.



I guess I love them because I could possibly have a job teaching universities about them. ha ha
For personal use I enjoy facebook. Its a clean infrastructure and really does provide some good. I enjoy that I can post pictures/galleries and tag users in the photo’s. The running log of what is going on with your friends is nice too.
For professional I enjoy linked in. It is an effective way to communicate with other profressionals.

I dislike blogs


Anything they don’t offer that you’d like to see added?

not really… Facebook offers up there framework for application development. If there was something I wanted I could easily make it. I like having that freedom.

exposing usless personal information is only used on