Sony's continuing downward spiral...

haha yeah, screw getting huge hdd’s ill store all my data on blue-ray


So Sony’s embedded DRMs can keep track of everything you store on there and alert the necessary authorities about pirated music/movies/etc.?

morons … this sort of shit will get companies in trouble

dont advertise shit that you dont actualy have

and if you do decide to advertise shit you dont have, at least have the sense to NOT throw a party about it

Moron… Don’t believe everything you read on some BLOG.

you call me a moron, then use another blog on the same site by the same person to reinforce the statement

congratulations … moron

sony computers = expensive,
sony Proprietary codec’s = popular in japan and only in japan.

Fixed, just ask anyone that worked at clientlogic. :lol:

I worked at client logic, more spesificially on the Iomega, then sony campaighns I Know that they suck. When working for iomega… if they said that they had a sony we could not gurantee that it was going to work.

i have a viao laptop and its never had a problem and its over 4 years old

but u probably paid 110% more for that viao than any other laptop with the same specs.

well i cant say one way or another but i paid i think 1500 for it

1.2 ghz AMD Anthlon 4
512 mb memory
windows xp home
HD was not big though only 20GB

so i dunno how that compairs to others 4 years ago

I cannot believe for the life of me that Onyx aka Mr Sony aka Mr would buy a car if sony made it aka has the ability to control his computer from his digi cam has not chimed in to defend sony to the death.

lol i was wondering the same thing.

ohh look

Nintendo UK boss David Yarnton has lashed out at Sony’s new motion sensing controller, suggesting that the PlayStation creator has copied Nintendo’s ideas - past and present.

Speaking to MCV in the wake of Sony’s E3 press conference last week, Yarnton was quick to point out Sony’s change of attitude since Nintendo unveiled their motion sensing Wii Controller late last year. “I’d love to dig up some old Phil Harrison comments and say ‘hang on a second - six months ago when we launched our controller you said one thing, and now why are you doing this?’” Yarnton thundered.

Yarnton also slammed the lack of force feedback in Sony’s redesigned PS3 controller, blaming patent issues for the omission: “Historically we’re always developing new things. We know Sony have had a lot of issues with their rumble feature and they’ve had to withdraw it - because they didn’t innovate, they copied.”

Yarnton went on to suggest that Sony has not only followed Nintendo’s lead, but copied their ideas in the past: “I don’t know what [Sony’s] decision making process is but I think if you look back, any innovation that has come in gameplay has come from us,” he said.

“With Nintendo, I’m trying to think of anything we’ve copied… but I can’t,” concluded Yarnton. We’re sure you’ll let him know if they have and what you think of his assertions in the comment section below.

Yet another, i cant understand why ppl love sony so much, its not like they even have good shit.

It’s the elitest attitude. People buy it for that, because it makes them feel fancy. :slight_smile: