Styr Nightclub is now under new ownership

lets keep this on topic k.
so whos gunna be up there tomorrow night?


yep, ive been to the one club twice on an lunch invite from one of our clients, only the insanely rich are members and a woman walked in, all the men glared at her and whispered, then one of the managers of the clubhouse went over to her and made her wait in the kitchen behind closed doors for whoever she was supposed to be meeting.

Hey thanks but I was a little vague. I lived there from 12/2004 until 10/2005. Now I’ve got a house in Tonawanda that eats all my time and money. :stuck_out_tongue: I may stop by one of these weeks just to be the creepy old guy. :pimp:

…cuz I’m so old. Not really, but I sure felt that way when I was hanging out at my buddy’s place a while back talking to some girls that came over with someone else. They asked me if I went to UB and I said no I graduated, asked them where they went and they replied “Amherst.” :bloated:

Technically, yes although you would not like the reprocussion from the public.

hmmmm, perhaps at some point soon, not this wed though, keep all the little kids out this time for real… last summer this kid i used to live down the street from by west middle had his little brother in there, kid couldnt have been older than 15-16.