Club Vodka - Grand Opening

For those of you who enjoy the Downtown/Chippewa scene, the old McMonkee’s (next door to level) has been taken over and reopening tonight.

There is a grand opening party for “VIP” from 8-10 with no cover and drink specials all night.

Print out this page: or pick up a flier being handed out at the square!

Stop in and have a drink at downtown’s newest club.

Must be 21+

Thanks for your support and hope to see some of you guys there.

huuuwhat kinda music will be played there?

From what I understand, typical club music. 80s, 90s, and today’s dance hits.

I have a feeling tonight we are gonna do a broad range since its opening up at 8.

if i hear “sweet home alabama” i will throw all my drinks in the air and round house kick and muay thai elbow everyone around and leave

how many new fucking haircuts will there be?

wow guys, what kind of club do you want to open downtown then?

one that doesnt suck but still has broads



how many new fucking haircuts will there be?


fuckin skanks!

my gf’s friend is trying to persuade us to go. i might stop in, but then i’m off to brinks or even better, as far away from chippewa as i can get.


how many new fucking haircuts will there be?



fuckin skanks!


fucking jaegerbombs

Some people don’t like the downtown scene. If you don’t thats fine but if you are into wandering Chippewa till 4am and bar hopping, come in and check it out :slight_smile:

After the square I would expect a fair amount of girls to be there.

I wonder if the owner ever played Max Payne 2?

Its owned by a corporation that owns most of the bars in Rochester’s East Ave including Soho West, Daisy Dukes, 6, Apub, and more.

I hope to see a lot of you there tonight. We open at 8pm after the square.

What part do you play in this deal?

If im out that way I will stop in…

gheyest name for a club ever. Like “Beer bar” fuckin duh, either way the chip strip is saturated with all lame shit now, it like one place closes another moves in paints the walls a diff co0lor and comes up with a lame name. Lipstick on a pig. im sure ill still go there though.

I am a bouncer there and close with the people who are running it since they are from Rochester.


if it was called “Club Mr. Boston” i would go

Club Bartons?

Club Komchatka FTW