SuperBowl 2011

Pittsburgh vs. Green Bay

What do you guys think? I’m going with Green Bay, partly because I think they have a really solid team and also because I hate Pittsburgh more than anything.

Packers all the way. My wife is a Pittsburgh fan so its gonna get hectic in my house next week. I’m glad these 2 teams made it vs some undeserving teams. Thanks god seattle or the jets didn’t make it even though i know you wished that happened.

so bummed.

Go steelers. I don’t really care about either team, but I can’t help but go for the team that knocked the jets out.

woah woah woah… dont be hatin on my seahawks

After watching the Jets game tonight i’m leaning towards Steelers…big ben doin it big

i hope they both lose, football sucks


Just a good reason to get shitfaced!

Now that my team is out (Jets)…

Things I wish for next year:

  1. Better safeties (Leonard is injured though, so he might have mad a difference)
  2. Rex shuts up (this applies to that moron Crowder on your team as well - he definitely has no room to talk because at least Rex tends to back his talk up [4-2 in the playoffs])
  3. Better OC
  4. Keep the team intact. They should have never let Faneca go.
  5. Better nose tackle to replace Jenkins who’ll never be the same.

Good luck to Pittsburgh. They manhandled NY in the first half. I’m rooting for Greenbay though. Go Packers!


Since I didn’t watch a single game all season, I will root for the team with the more scantily clad cheerleaders.

I root for whoever brings me chicken wings

I’d have to agree…I have no interest in either team.

packers, but im a packer fan so its a no brainer.

Normally this. But fuck, I HATE Pittsburgh fans.

How does one (especially a male) NOT like Football?

I mean, I can understand basketball or hockey…but football? I think it’s a bigger sport here than that stupid game called baseball (only reason why I hate is because it takes like 10hrs to play an MLB game. I love playing it in person though :lol). You’re not American or a guy if you don’t like football. IMO.

how could you not like hockey? Just because it’s not hyped by ESPN? come on, the only people I know who don’t like a hockey have never been to a game.

Football is boring as shit.

I like Hockey. I’m a Rangers fan and went to my first game this year (against the Avalanche - 3rd game of the year). I’m just sayin, I can see it not being as popular as baseball or football…but football? Yes it has it’s slow moments, but the hits, the big plays…makes it worth while.

IMO, a guy robbin a hitter of a HR at the warning track is boring. The only excitement I find in baseball is crazy good throws to get a double play or a spectacular diving catch or something.

Gotta say packers.

plus rep if i can