Supra successor finally official


I will trade my 240sx for this baby hope the balance isn’t too big.

thats one of the few NEW cars that looks reaally nice… sounds even nicer with that v10

i wouldnt care if the ferrari is slower or shittier.

i refuse to pay that much for a toyota

theres a nurburgring video of the lfa racecar comparison vs acr viper race car. The lfa is faster… much better handling and even with traffic still faster. Sounds gorgeous and refined.

isnt an acr viper 270,000 less?

Car looks dope.
I’d hit it.

yeah the viper acr is cheaper… meh…

Yeah I have mixed feelings on the car but if money is no objective its still cool and different

costs to be the boss.

Thats right, because of the limited production this thing will sell like hotcakes. Jay Leno alone will grab a couple to add to his stache.Come on guys thats no money for alot of hi rollers… im not saying that there arnt better cars out there for that kinda of money, but it will be a mighty good foundation to build on.

aluminum alloy, magnesium alloy and titanium alloy motor,carbon chassis muahhhh,worth it… id take 1 for the team and hit oprah to make her buy me 1 of these lol

^LOL at the Oprah comment.

Yeah Pfffffffffffffffffff…But does it have V-tec?

I like it :open_mouth:

It’s got secret Toyota Hybrid technology derived from the infamous Prius lol :wink:

Crazy, crazy sound.
I had to watch it 2-3 times…:stuck_out_tongue:

I always figured a Toyota Supra successor would have been called a Toyota Supra…