The Annual "Who do you want for next season" Thread


don’t slip up or get got


hmm :ninja

race murdog from a dig
race kramer from a dig
race big red from a dig(vw)
germanpsi from a dig and roll (audi)
amdisbest audi 200 from a dig and roll

in the tdi

i want every fbod and mustang ON MOTOR no sprizzzzzzzzzzayeeee

you must have some big plans or something

directed towards pete

tuner in the TDI

you dont want the dmax?

NSX FM and me showing the dick to all the NASCAR rednecks going to Dover wer definitely the best parts of the way home

Looking forward to next season. depending on the curb weight when we are done with the jetta… I am looking to mop up some fast hondas on here.

Looking to take over WOT FWD leader board.

Would like to wipe the floor with some RWD gheys too.

A boy can dream cant he?

I’m calling Wayne!

Bring it boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I need to go big turbz

Ohh it will be brought.

an hta86 will out flow a 6262

yeh so will my head compared to a vw

Tony already knows that I wanna run his ZR1 from 60…

Whats the flow numbers on thoes honda shits anyways. honest question.

will yours stick to the ground?

yeah it seems the honda heads are about 40 cfm more than a 1.8T… stock trim. There are AEB’s ported with larger valves and different cams that are 300cfm+ 20+ cfm MORE than a ported honda.

I might have to get my new head flow benched to see!

My money is on your current head outflowing any B-series stock head.