the hill is at it again

That’s fantastic for you! I value my life tho.

thats bull shit. my best friend lived in the hill, ran with gangs, dealt drugs… then went to school, learned a trade, got a job, moved away from pittsburgh, built a house and started a family.

the civic arena isnt that big thou, i dont understand how it would displace 10k people and 400 business. those are bull shit #'s… did the civic arena light the hill district on fire in 1968? no it was fuckin hill residents. they burn down their own fuckin houses. they didnt build no arenas in homewood or hazelwood… what the fuck in the cause there? i’ll tell you what the cause is, lazy ass welfare collectors. Actaully the biggest cause of the most run down places in the city is the closing of the mills. braddock, mckeesport, hazelwood, homestead… they were all thriving places, the main street in those places had averything from hardware stores to jewlers… Sporting arenas dont run neighborhoods down… factories leaving do… if anywhere is a model of this its DETROIT… dont complain about how much of a shit hole detroit is if you buy foreign cars…

It has nothing to do with “valueing my life”
may i just don’t feel threatenedd…like you do.

maybe you get preyed upon because you’re scared/timid.

^^ you will always have exceptions to any rule.

my nissan was built in tennessee or something and my crown vic was built in mexico. There are no american or foreign cars anymore.

And I could care less about Detroit, I don’t live there.

thats bull shit. my best friend lived in the hill, ran with gangs, dealt drugs… then went to school, learned a trade, got a job, moved away from pittsburgh, built a house and started a family.

you will always have exceptions to any rule.

i agree with that, i been down to “ghetto” one way streets in the early mornings
in a big rig going to shit hole companies. didn’t even think about my life or scared.

can get shot anywhere, i’ll drive through any place

i was just speakin about the BIG picture… what you said is all true… but it all started years back to end up that way now. the japanees couldn’t beat us in a war so they wrecked our markets instead. as long as g-bodies aren’t rotted into the ground i will drive them cause i know they were built here and they money stayed here.

I visited lansing MI… it was once a thriving city when the cutlass was the #1 selling car through the 70’s. its now depressing like braddock because GM opted to kill Olds in favor of POS saturns…because americans were duped into believing jap cars were good. they needed something to compete with them. little did they know people still werent gonna buy saturds.

Detroit thou is comparable, they lost auto production and we lost steel… and those two were connected with eachother. And where were both lost to?..Japan.

these hill people are fighting the wrong battle… they want arena jobs? take em…those jobs don’t pay shit. If they were serious about what they do they would be lobbying for a factory to come to pittsburgh. not some bull shit jobs and a supermarket… thats proves they dont care about people, they just want for themselves. they want to line their pockets and make a name for themselves… they dont give a shit if jamal and tyrone keep blowing each others heads off while tamisha is suckin dick for crack under the blechers.

black leaders are supressing their own people so they stay powerful. its too bad the people dont see it.

you’re right…that statement came straight from his ass

i’m not saying the numbers are right or wrong, im just saying what i read from more then one site…news & pgh history sites.

the major cause of an area getting ruined is businesses leaving, mills/factories in your example… they are just “large” businesses. & thats the same point i was making. if they lost a huge portion of business due to the civic arena it probably started the doward spiral, then property value decreases, degerates move in & so on & so forth.

pittsburgh needs a car factory, not a fuckin casino. we’ll have all this entertainment for people who should really be paying off their debts and putting money away for retirement.

Westinghouse, US steel and heinz factory jobs have killed pittsburgh by leaving/closing. who the hell cares how many companies have their headquarters here… thats not helping the majority of middle class pittsburghers. But we keep electing morons who wanns fuck around with sports teams and arenas and show up at ground breaking ceramonies… fuck luke and his class president politics.

degerates move in & so on & so forth.

“Degenerates” have to live somewhere. There will always be bad neighborhoods in cities.

exactly…its most of the time where property value is in the toilet cause thats what they can afford. & usually there is a cause of the value going down & thats what cutty & i were talking about.

black leaders seem to only wanna get just enough for their people for them to not wanna go out and make it for themselves… “we’ll keep giving them just enough to wanna stay home and be lazy instead of motivating them to go out and earn it” … there are plenty of black thats go out and make a living for themselves but in a city like PGH, there seems to be more that dont. if they did go out and get it on their own, there is no need for people like jackson, sharton and locally, tim stevens… thats why they act like they are doin them a favor but in reality they are holding them back forheir own benifit. I dont feel sorry for lazy ass people on the surface but its sad how the leaders exploit them. and on a whole in this city its not only black leaders but all leaders in this city… pittburgh is full of stupid people on city council, the school board, etc etc… who at the school boards decides there needs to be a vote on weather the pittsburgh penguins should be allowed to speak at ur school… ITS A NO BRAINER!!! why do you even have to waste time voting on such a trivial matter… DO SOMETHING IMPORTANT… no wonder the city schools aren’t producing a good product because you got mentally defective people running the show. and fuck the news channels for feeding the fires!

exactly…its most of the time where property value is in the toilet cause thats what they can afford. & usually there is a cause of the value going down & thats what cutty & i were talking about.

I really don’t care what specific area is bad, as long as:

-The cumulative size of the ghetto isn’t increasing, and
-My neighborhood is still nice.

I lived in a bad neighborhood for years. It makes me that much more grateful to live in a nice area now.

well guess what… the more the ghetto gets tore down the more people in the ghetto are gonna get pushed out… do you actaully live in the city limits? the problem in my neighborhood is that these fuckin russian imagrants from Sq hill keep buying all the low price property and rent to trash. its starting to surface in many traditionally average neighborhoods in the city. petty crime is goin up where i live.

Suggest: Move to the suburbs.

It’s always been like that. when worked as a carpet cleaner. they would just paint the walls and didnt care about permanent stains in the carpet and rent it out. the process just repeated :nuts:
I’m talking about huge spots of kool aid strewn through the house and cig burns etc…

everyones fault. hard to get decent people in a place when the slumlord dont give a fuck either

You sure about that? I was born down bottom in lincoln…a little worse than most areas if you know anything about it…i live in north braddock which is sadly getting worse from “the niggaz” moving in…yet there isn’t a ghetto thing about me…ask anyone person who talks to me outside of pittspeed…don’t be so quick to stereotype someone because look at where i’m at now…good job…making more than the drug dealing idiots i went to school with…and actually giving two fucks about my own life. Just because there are a BUNCH of dick heads in those areas…doesn’t mean everyone in there is.

Bad spreads faster than good…your going to find that anywhere you go…people with good heads on their shoulders are outnumber 10 to 1…

mike your a white dude wearing a black face. don’t deny it. who does the make up?