The last movie you've seen, and rate it.

has anyone ever seen audition?or battle royal?they are old jap movies that are hard to get a hold of and i was wondering if wanyone has any ideas about them??

I have seen Audition, it is ok I guess…

I really want to see Old Boy though, that is supposed to be F’d up

Michael Clayton

7/10. slow moving, but strong ending

Audition was OK. It was slow until the end and then it was totally fucked up.

Old Boy is really good though. Lots of action and pretty gruesome stuff too.

Ichi The Killer is another fucked up Japanese movie.

old boy looks like unleashed with jet lee.i just watched the trailer on youtube

Usual suspects 7/10

cool flick, liked it a lot. i love kevin spacey movies

American gangster 9/10

we own the night 8/10
might have been better or worse, i was cocked when i saw it :confused:

Vantage Point

It was a creative concept for a movie, but the replays of the same occurrence from different ppl got boring after the 3rd time. They did it 4 or 5 times IIRC and then continued on with some crazy action and then the ending.

Action scenes were definitely good.

Kinda made me wish for a different ending tho, I won’t ruin it.

From what I understand/know of the plot it really isn’t

Yeah not even close

How can anyone rate the Usual Supects anything less then a 9/10???

You’re a Terrorist, aren’t you?

im not a good critic :frowning:

i really did like the movie, i just pulled a number out of my ass.

thinking back i rated we own the night higer, but i liked usual suspects more… so just mentally switch those two scores :slight_smile:

It wasn’t supposed to be a full blown comedy. But I agree that it could’ve been a lot funnier.

No Country For Old Men.


I was disapointed, didnt live up to the hype. it got a 6 due to good acting.

There was almost no dialogue in the whole movie, and what the fuck kind of ending was that.

Very dissapointing.

American Psycho…weird
cool ending, kina saw it coming after the atm part though.

Vantage Point…7/10 til ending. The car chase was BS and want my $$ back

yeah i know. 5.8/10 from me.I seen it at blockbuster and i was like oooo we have to watch that i heard its great from nyspeed.Plot fucking sucked.Ending sucked.

What ATM part?..

<3 American Psycho.

people who don’t like No Country for Old Men are usually unintelligent.

Sick House
7 or 8/10

Was a real twist and pretty good I liked it.
Seemed to scare the misses.
Reccomend watching it around 3am, alone or with the misses.

Feed Me A Stray Cat

dan in real life
good movie, not as funny as i expected it to be though.