The sabres suck.

Not because i don’t like sports. I could really give a shit.
Not because i have anything against them.

But i fucking hate them because people’s lives are so insignificant that they need to fucking talk about it all the time. People who normally could give a shit about them, are now “cup crazy”. I am sick of hearing people who never mentioned them all year, flapping their yap like they are fucking experts.

The fucking women are the worst, sorry ladies, but 99% of you “female sabres fans” are huge bandwagon jumpers. Fucking fucks.

And while i’m at it, anyone who ever owned a “no goal” sticker is the biggest fucking toolbag i have ever seen.

If i hear the word “grier” one more time, i am going to dick/tit punch whoever said it.

“OMG, i watched every game and i’m such a huge fan, tee hee”

Jealous when the spotlight is off of you for a minute? :stuck_out_tongue:

Do we still have Peca…I dont like hockey…all i Know is they won

STFU and jump on the bandwagon - there’s plenty of room :tup: :slight_smile:


HAHA…sorry chris…he is long gone

ur not a real fan unless you rock a steve shields jersey


haha ^^

nah, i know what you mean. all of a sudden i have all these dicks asking me ‘dude did you watch the game’


i didn’t. you know i don’t care about sports. just like a couple months ago. i just don’t get it. i’d rather do something else than watch ‘the game’

unless if you’re right there watching it at the arena with beer, but shit. public violence and alcohol will get me to watch pretty much anything, really.

newman, i am totally on your bandwagon. fuck those fucking fucks

I agree,the bandwagon jumpers are horrible.

But you have to remember that this is Buffalo NY and its not often we have something exciting happen here and im sure with the sabres being in the playoffs its giving people a new reason to live.(until the bills start playing).

how is being excited about a sports team that is having success any different than being excited about a car that is finally running right and as quick as it should be?

my point is this: while i hate the bandwagon fans as well, bandwagon jumpers are everywhere, INCLUDING on this forum. in fact, i would go so far as to say that there are more bandwagon jumpers than “leaders” or people who do what they like because they actually like it.

but you cant (well, i guess you could because it is your opinion) bash the sabres simply because they attract attention for doing good. i guess my problem is with the focus of your rant. if your focus is with the bandwagon assholes, then i agree 100%.

rant on :smiley:

fuck off newman :wink:

I thought it was “brier” up until a few days ago.

shows how much i care.

You just made my day. :lol:

I <3 my Knicks

UGH! This phrase makes me MAD.

i am happy for the sabres that they are doing well. The headline was just a “catchy headline to get people interested”… we learned that in the 7th grade.

And i could give a shit if people payed attention to the sabres over me. I just don’t want to have to hear about it constantly.



make a thread where everyone states there loyalties before the season starts, then they can’t wait for the best team and jump on that train.

Darcy Wakaluk :noob: :stuck_out_tongue: