I <3 Buffalo Hockey.


I could deal with these shirts, though they are pretty fucking annoying.

Then it got worse with:

I <3 Buffalo Football

But this is still somewhat tolerable… i mean, i guess it’s still a sports thing… I hardly think any sports are cool, and this is clearly a lame ass bandwagon thing. But it’s not even like the first stage of a bandwagon… it’s like jumping on a bandwagon for a bandwagon, but again, most avid sports fans seem pretty unintelligent, so i can deal with this.


are you fucking kidding me?

I feel like my head is going to explode.

This is fucking horrible.

oh good lord. not a tattoo.

nice ink, newman.

lol… so what happens if you guys end up winning… then his tattoo becomes even more retarded


and let’s not get to distracted by that bogus tattoo and concentrate on how fucking lame:


I Heart Buffalo Hockey is such a chick shirt…if I ever saw a dude wearing one I would want to punch him.

that tattoo is staggeringly bad.

zomg agree.

I’ve seen the shirts, and simply shake my head at them.

And, if youthink that tattoo is bad, someone post the pic of the GIRL WHO HAS RYAN MILLER’S FACE TATTOOED ON HER LEG.


almost as bad as the UGG bandwagon.

lol that tat will be relevent for year’s and year’s to come, buffalo sports team’s Never win the Whole show.


poster most likely to have a shitty I <3 buffalo ______ shirt now or in the near future:


I think the I <3 buffalo online gaming is bound to hit the streets soon.


I completely agree. Most people don’t wear the shirts cause of a true love for the sport or what ever its meant to support. Whom ever created them most likely saw it as an opportunity to make money, which is great.

This I <3 buffalo _______ bullshit has turned into a fad like holister and abercrombie, are the biggest fucking douches on the planet.

As much as I support Buffalo things, this has just been embraced by the wrong fucking people.

I want the “I Heart Buffalo Sluts” one



thats kind of likes saying “I Heart fat ugly STD infested women”

or just annoying girls that live vicariously through their boyfriends

I <3 buffalo sluts would be worn by douchebags who don’t get any.