Tips for surviving your bachelor party.

So far the best reminder I’ve gotten is not to wear a belt. At my buddy’s, the strippers made him get on all 4 and bark like a dog while they whipped him with his own belt! :rofl:

Any other words of wisdom while I’m still thinking clearly?


Do not record it!



definitely don’t record

and don’t take repetitive jello shots while a stripper is performing on your lap lol

Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want her doing.

Im not against my women getting boobs in the face…

Take her to the Downer, she is more fun there.

And don’t let the stripper convince you to do weird body shots while she strattles you… Trust me, it sounds like a good idea until four shots of vodka end up in your eyes.

“Beer before liquor, never been sicker…”

which applies on any night I suppose

Doesn’t matter, someone will wear a belt. My buddy happend to wear one with huges metal studs to one bachelor party that i was in the wedding party for. I got hit with that and had welts for a week. He said he was sorry and brought it t o the very next stage we went to together.

Got it. Keep em coming. The fun starts at noon tomorrow.

I’ve also got to be sure to pace myself. The last two times I did any real drinking I didn’t get drunk so much as fall off the sober cliff and spend the rest of the night puking.

Umm heres a tip new/clean undies. and if they are too easy ummm…dont

also make sure you don’t like your undies. They may not make it through the event.


free ball, solves problems and confuses strippers

belt marks go away after three days, don’t ask


It’s also one less layer of protection…

deffinitly dont wear a belt. I once went to a bachelor party and won the 50-50 raffle. Broads brought me up to the front… stripped me down to my underwear… took of my belt and beat me with it.

it wasnt worth the 80.00 :stuck_out_tongue: (well, 40 after I gave 1/2 to the host)

watch this :[]%20113219.572754.1.wmv

Dont kneel down behind two strippers who are putting thier entire hands in thier pussys, because when they pull it out its gonna go all ober your face. Almost happened to me, but I moved.