Went on a wifebeating ride

you sure you were both stuck at the intersection behind other cars? or both the 305’s were that slow?

haha. hey now. back in the day i thought those 305s were pretty good. i drove a few and thought they were fast, but i owned a 92 s10 at the time. lol. still, that 85 TA is a very nice car.

wat will you do with our bodies?

when u come here ,u’ll see,toss them in the creek!


hell ya, an additional 200hp wouldn’t hurt anything:naughty:

lol havin fun TRYING to bust my balls?

hurt my wallet

STFU…1 G aint shit…well worth the $$

i dont even have close to the money atm

loan, credit card?

I don’t want it that bad. I’m 17, parents wouldn’t go for it, and the bank wouldn’t let me do it myself.

stay away from loans and credit cards…that a whole new hell hole within itself


No it is the people getting the loans and credit cards…just have to be smart

buying his motor with one would be dumb

hey, sombody’s gotta lose.

not me this time :slight_smile:

1000 isnt gonna kick you to the curb. if you want it bad enough you can get it and have it paid off relatively quick.