What do you drive to?


Boys boys put it to rest :wink:

sure beats incest

Fuck the hell off Chad…

You ruined it


Really you know my parents …asshat lol


Paul is that what you just ordered?

everyone be quiet, they’re finally mating…

no, I already have two. One is a spare.

Pjb has a massive hammer of love.

not you lol, i meant paul

He was on my wrestling team. Fuckin guy.

Stop cock blocking Pjb brosifer.

There is no cock blocking to be had bro.

Stay out of it kid.

Go drive around in another toolboxes mustang instead of a real mans f-150.

Actually A 2003 Torched Red Cobra is fucking sexy…F-150 is Meh.

FUCK, i got here when the rhyming was done, lets get it started again, i wanna copy and paste all the rhymes onto 1 sheet of paper and hit up ceo of synthetic sparks, Dave singh and record a track son…

Id rather have a truck than a car anyday. I regret ever buying that stupid Mustang I had. Big waste of money, big credit card bill and a big headache.