Why your views are wrong.

Sorry DrDos but beckington doesn’t.

I’m glad newman at least agreed with me about how some good came from it. I know that not everyone over there wanted democracy but a lot did. A democratic republic is a type of democracy. Voting doesn’t really conflict with any kind of religion. We went to war for our country’s interests. OIL. It had to be done. At least some other good stuff came from it.

Innocent farm kids didn’t go to war. A lot of good men that volunteered to protect this country and it’s interests went to war. For those people I am truly grateful, for without them, I would not be where I am today.

According to your logic beckington, you and everyone else in this thread that bad mouthed President Bush should be killed or sent to the gulags (sp?). Then you could say he was a great leader. That’s how it worked in the Soviet Union at they were as powerful as America.