Are you kidding?
Israel didn’t exist, it was forcefully created by military force including terrorism.

What became the “IDF” was a terrorist organization that was responsible for bombing airports, buses, hotels, etc…
Israel is created on Palestinian land and it is maintained by means of deception.
There are hundreds of UN resolutions against Israel that are ALWAYS and I mean absolutely ALWAYS veto’d by the US.
The arab states waged war against “israel” because it was an external force that invaded the arabs. You are missing bits and pieces of history BUDD. Arabs have every right to fight Israelis as they were the aggressor and invader. That’s fact.
The Palestinians have EVERY right to defend themselves while israelis ‘defend’ themselves by slaughtering palestinians with chemical weapons, cluster bombs, the latest gadgetry that the US can supply them.
They are fighting for sixty years for their right to not be eradicated.
Over 600 villages have been ETHNICALLY CLEANSED by Israelis.
Gaza is a fucking ghetto of 1.5 million people, the last SIEGE on the face of the planet. The israelis are literally only allowing as much food on a calculated basis to literally starve the Palestinians which was recently leaked.
They have been bulldozing houses of palestinians and building settlements. Anything palestinians BUILD gets either bombed to smitheriness or bulldozed. In fact CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS have been BANNED from getting into gaza so the palestinians CANNOT rebuild.
They are being subjected to daily bombings by latest generation of weapons made by Israel and the US.
Israel gets 3 billions of dollars in ‘aid’ which goes to military spending even though technically the US claims that any ‘aid’ must not be used for military purposes and Israel does that.
You are just another idiot reciprocating the deception by Israel that the media echos.
Israel is NOT a victim, israel is THE aggressor.
There was NO israel before 1948, it’s a MYTH that israel existed forever. It’s a MYTH that there was no ‘people’ in palestine. “A land without a people, for a people without a land” A fucking lie. Palestine was inhabitted by palestinians Muslims and Christians and very small minority of Jews. Who by the way co-existed peacefully until the zionist movement of East European and Russian jews who forcefully immigrated to Palestine with RIFLES.