Gaza doctor pleas over the phone on Israeli news channel

This disgusted me. And you fuckin puppets that watch CNN and FOX and then post what u saw, and try to act like its ur own opinion can flame me all u want. Here is the FACT. WE have been giving money and arms to Israeil since the 60’s. We have radicalized with Israel to for years to attack several different countries including palestine. When u look at something called HISTORY, Israel created, yes CREATED Gaza and also started this entire mess, and we have been fueling the flames for decades. This is so sad

Instead of posting you should go over there and fight for whatever side you back :tup:

these kinds of comments are usually go to comments for people who have nothing good to contribute to a conversation because it is an easy out

No its not…You sit here in America and pass strong judgment on this topic…If it was actually that big of concern in your life you would do something…

And as your original post stated you said we can flame away all we want…so stop crying…

u dont need to be fighting in the conflict to know the reasons and the support from either side. And i am a realist, and understand that trying to speak about whats really wrong with this country will get u noting but cencorship

I assume you also understand all the tactical aspects behind the US helping Israel since the 60s?

What do you know? You call the rest of us puppets and act like you know something we don’t. Do you have some type of first hand experience in the region? Did you spend some time there? or did you just spend some time looking up youtube videos to make you the expert?

Do you have family? friends? anyone in those regions? are you basing all your knowledge off TV and the internetz?

You realize Youtube/Internet is used for propaganda on both sides?

ya youtube is my source for EVERYTHING, r u fuckin kidding me. Being a theo major kind of forces me to be at least somehwat good at researching very old documents. And doing research other than watching news doesnt make me a scholar its called actual research, ya know with books and stuff. I rarely ever watch ne mainstream media and its for a reason. And once again, u dont need to spend time there to know why these things are unfolding. And as far as our reasoning for helping israel, the founders all advised against meddling in the affairs of foreign nations so selling them weapons and giving them billions of dollars isnt the right thing to do imo. the middle east has been savaged by war for thousands of years and us “helping” will never EVER make things better, only much worse. Im ready for the flaming ur not gonna do nething to shut me up i can only watch the idiots on this site try to act intelligent for so long before i have to do something.

well that post was pointless considering what i just said in my last one. Once again i dont use youtube for research, i came across this video while i was bored at work.

I have family who lives there :lol: and a bunch of my family just got back from there last week.

If you really want to help that region…Sell your car…and stop using foreign oil :slight_smile:

…I could see if you were actively involved in the region but you’re just another person sitting on the internet thinking they have inside knowledge of situations…You’re entitled to your opinion but you are not backing it up with anything of substance…

You do realize that you can find ANYTHING on youtube right? If you wanted proof that we didn’t land on the moon, that bush funds terrorists, that elvis is alive… anything can be “proved” with a video on youtube.

I don’t really understand why, but Americans have this new thing of thinking about what news they want to hear, searching for it, and thinking that it proves their opinion is solid when they find an article or video that first their search.

Your a puppet to your own agenda.

Wow! I was right, Elvis is alive:

holy shit did u fuckin understand me?! I DONT USE YOUTUBE FOR RESEARCH!!! i was being sarcastic. If you are trying to say that video is fake ur a fuckin idiot, its been translated into 20 different languages and there are several other videos of them talking to him throughout that week. And LZ what the fuck does ur family coming back from there have anything to do with that entire post i wrote?

I was very clear in what I said. I did not say the video was fake.

You found what you were looking for and now you feel validated. That doesn’t prove that your opinions are right nor that you know more about the situation than anyone else on this site.

once again me selling my car and not using foreign oil wont make a damn bit of difference. And most of my research come from books and journal publications which i subscribe to and pay for. Yes i use the internet for research, so do all kinds of champion debaters and researchers, just kuz its internet doesnt mean it has to be wrong.

did i say i “know” more than anyone? no. I am saying that once u turn off the news and start reading, u realy start to see through all the bullshit in media, and the only thing i use news for now, is to counter reference the lies i know they are spewing out

You do realize just because its in print doesn’t make it factual and true?

Everyone has their own agenda

You’re trying to debate which side is right when both sides believe they are right…so obviously depending on which side is reporting it the other would look wrong…

You original post didn’t having anything useful as to why either side was wrong…hell maybe I would be on your side if you posted some supporting facts…

don’t forget the british too

I appreciate the vid, and have a little knowledge on the subject and I have no problem with giving/have given them weapons. Welcome to the world of collateral damage

if u are admitting that both sides believe they are right, then obviously it wouldnt make sense not to intervine in such madness? I love how people think the US agenda is always just and cause, nothing could be further from the truth. We are involved in these regions for so many reasons that are never adressed to the american public. Both sides believe they are right, i believe that and agree with you. But that FACT alone is enough reason to stay the hell away fromt he situation