Gaza doctor pleas over the phone on Israeli news channel

In every conflict in the history of the world both sides have believed they were right. So you’re saying we should never be involved in any conflict?

I came here to say this.

As with ANYTHING in life, if you’re passionate about something, work towards it. Become active, join the armed forces, join the lobbyists ranks, join the politcal ranks, gather like minded people and come up with an actionable plan.

But don’t cry vehemently on a site such as this about how DISGUSTED you are and then out and move on to the NWS section, or Youtube, or whatever it is that you do.

YouTube is one of the FEW places you will find some REAL news (along with NPR) Why they not ALLOWING any journalists into Gaza? For their own protection? Fucking LOL. Right. Killing over 300 children so far the Israelis are REALLY concerned with protection.

What Israel iis doing over there is WAY BEYOND DISGUSTING!!! Every other country int he fucking WORLD sees this and is in complete agreement instead of the puppets in the US. So the OP is completely correct in his assessment.

Ironic how Israel decides to pull out just as Obama is being sworn into office. I hope he has the balls to pull their weapons shipments and funding and prosecute the Israeli government in a international court for WAR CRIMES.

no i said before i could quote several of our forefathers telling us to stay out of entangling alliances of OTHER nations. if we are actually attcked its a different story obviously.

Obama will never EVER do that, Israel will not be condemed at all for their actions. Not by us at least. But hey, i got a 20 dollar bet going with my friend that were Obama is still gonna bomb Iran :wink:

There is no true tactical aspect to helping Israel, there is however huge amounts of money from AIPAC.

Israels location is extremely tactical look at its position compared to Iran and Iraq and all the other countries we don’t play nice with…Obviously having an allie in such close proximity is a great advantage if anything else should ever happen in that region.

What you might see is Israel getting a big surprise from Iran. Their self serving political show of force campaign just paved the way for some SERIOUS SHIT in the future. Morons. Without US support they are nothing. I am very doubtful Obama will allow this country to get dragged into another conflict due to Israeli arrogance.

Those Russian made S-300 missile batteries will cut down anything Israel sends Irans way like flies in front of a lit can of WD-40

Here is a history lesson for everyone:

1947: The UN creates TWO INDEPENDENT STATES WITH THE PURPOSE OF COEXISTENCE. The arab league says this is unacceptable and refuses to recognize Israel.

Late 1947: Water lines to Jerusalem cut and the city is under siege by arabs.

Early 1947 to mid 1948: Terror attacks against Israeli civilians continue on an almost daily basis with no reprisals from Israel.

Mid 1948: Israel is attacked by Syria,Lebanon,Iraq,Jordan and Egypt. Israel solidly trounces all enemies and wins land in this DEFENSIVE WAR. The amount of land won in the war increases the size of Israel almost 50%. around 725,000 people are displaced by this and become the first “palestinian” refugees.

Israel begins to take refugees in and allow them to become citizens. The Arab states do not allow the palestinian refugees into there countries. despite having the ability to easily do so.

In 1950 Israel opened up the floodgates and allowed many people to move to Israel under the “Law of Return”.

1951: Jordans kind Abdullah is assassinated because there were unilateral peace agreements in the works between Jordan and Israel.

1955: Egypt sends armed troops into the Gaza Dmz, the result is a DEFENSIVE killing of 38 Egyptian troops.

1957: A fatah is established with the EXPRESS GOAL OF DESTROYING ISRAEL. Now remember, Israel has still not launched an offensive war against there arab neighbours!

1964: The fatah that was formed in 1957 becomes officially the PLO. Israel has still not launched an offensive war!

1964: The Arab conference at Alexandria happens. Arabs at this conference declare there aim is to destroy Israel!

1964: The DEFENSIVE 6 day war. Israel is attacked by Egypt,Syria,Jordan and Iraq. In this DEFENSIVE was Israel again solidly trounces her enemies and gains more land.


9 Days after the 6 day was was over. Israel sends a message to that wars agressor country’s asking for peace in exchange for the land that was won during the war back!

August-September 1967: Under the Khartoum agreement, The Arabs resulotion is,no to peace or negotiations with Israel.


1969: Egypt breaks the armistice and begins a war of attrition with Israel.

Sept. 1970 “Black September”- King Hussein of Jordan moves against the increasingly menacing power of the PLO. Palestinian guerillas flee Jordan and take up residence in Lebanon.

Sept 6, 1970 PFLP hijack Swissair, BOAC, PanAm and TWA flights and divert them to Jordan. 310 passengers are held hostage and released after governments agree to release Palestinian prisoners. In the wake of the hijackings Lufthansa reportedly paid protection money to guerilla movements, and France purchased immunity for Air France by agreeing to maintain an anti-Israel policy.

Oct. 6, 1973 Yom Kippur War In a surprise attack on the Jewish day of atonement, Egypt retook the Suez canal and a narrow zone on the other side. Syria reconquered the Golan Heights. Following massive US and Soviet resupplying of the sides, Israel succeeded in pushing back the Syrians and threatening Damascus. Ariel Sharon crossed the Suez Canal and cut off the Egyptian Third Army.


Aug 13, 1976 Lebanese militias massacre over 2000 Palestinians in the Tel Al-Zaatar refugee camp, apparently with participation of Syrian troops. According to journalist Robert Fisk, the attack began when Yasser Arafat asked that the camps be considered a non-combat zone, and then ordered Fatah gunmen to open fire on Christian militia. Palestinians retaliated with a massacre of Christians in Damour.


1979: Israel signs a peace treaty with Egypt. The two countries still live side by side in peace.

1981; Israelis destroy the Osiraq reactor in Iraq. This is also the first year the PLO starts terrorizing both Israeli and "Palestinian’ Civilians with rocket fire.

1982: Israel finishes its withdrawal of the Sinai to Egypt.

1983 Hezbollah starts targetting innocent palestinian and Israeli civilians in suicide bomb attacks.

1985: Israeli begins withdrawal from Lebanon “land for peace”

1988: Hamas publishes their charter and advocates “the destruction of Israel”

April, 1994 Hamas carries out suicide bombings in Israeli towns of Afula and Hadera, killing 13, wounding 80.
May 1994 Yasser Arafat arrives in Gaza.
June 19, 1994 Hamas suicide bombing on a Tel Aviv bus kills 22, wounds 40.
July 24, 1994 Hamas suicide bomber blows up a bus in Tel Aviv.
Feb. 25, 1996 Hamas suicide bomber blows up a No. 18 bus near Jerusalem’s central bus station, killing 26 people and wounding 48 others. Less than an hour later, a second Hamas suicide bomb explodes at a soldiers’ hitchhiking station near Ashkelon, killing one and injuring 31 others.
March 3, 1996 A Hamas suicide bomber blows up a bus on Jerusalem’s Jaffa Road, killing 19 people and leaving at least 9 wounded. The attack takes place on the same No. 18 bus line and almost at the same time as the previous week’s attack.
March 4, 1996 Dizengoff Center Bombing - A suicide bomb is detonated in Tel Aviv’s Dizengoff Center, killing 13, including children, and wounding at least 130 on the eve of Purim (anniversary of Goldstein massacre). Hamas claims responsibility.
July 30, 1997 Two suicide bombers strike in the Mahane Yehuda open-air market in Jerusalem, claiming at least 12 victims and wounding at least 150 others. Hamas and Islamic Jihad claim responsibility.
June 1, 2001 Dolphinarium Discotheque in Tel Aviv hit by suicide bomb, killing 20, including many teenagers. Islamic Jihad and Palestine Hizbulla both claim the bombing.
August 9, 2001 Sbarro pizzeria suicide bombing in Jerusalem by Islamic Jihad movement kills 15, wounds 130.
jan 5, 2003 Double suicide bombing in Tel Aviv kills 23,
2003 and 2004: Qassam rockets are fired regularily into Israeli and Palestinian civilian areas.
Late 2004: Heated debate in Israel about handing areas of land won during previous defensive war.

Feb 20, 2005 Israeli cabinet approves plan for implementing disengagement.


Feb 25, 2005 Suicide bombing by Islamic Jihad kills 5 in Tel Aviv. Israel freezes planned handover of Palestinian towns.

Sep 1st 2005: Israel hands over the gaza in latest land for peace deal.

Sept. 15, 2005 Israeli PM Ariel Sharon addresses the United Nations, calls for peace, recognizes Palestinian rights, reasserts Israeli right to united Jerusalem, determination to fight terror

Sept. 23, 2005 After Palestinian authority bans parades with weapons in Gaza, but before the ban goes into effect, the last such parade held by Hamas ends in an accidental explosion that kills about 20 people. Hamas fires about 40 rockets on Sderot, in Israel. Israel responds with massive campaign of arrests in West Bank and targeted killings in Gaza; Hamas pledges to respect cease fire.

Oct. 2005 PNA partial local elections give 55 seats to Fatah, 24 to Hamas. Fighting between Fatah and Hamas in Gaza kills 3.


June 25 Following announcement of a “truce” agreement by the PNA, Hamas kidnap Israeli soldier from Israeli army outpost inside Israel, and kill two others. They demand release of Palestinian prisoners. Israel refuses to negotiate, demands release of soldier.

June 27 Hamas, Fatah sign Palestinian Prisoners’ Document, supposedly cementing national unity. Israel invades Gaza strip in operation Summer Rains to recover kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit and to stop the Qassam rocket fire. Neither objective is achieved.

Aug 14, 2006 Cease fire, based on UN Security Council Resolution 1701

Nov. 26, 2006 Israelis and Palestinians announce truce to apply to Gaza strip. Israeli incursions and arrests continue in West bank, as do Palestinian terror attempts. In Gaza, Israel holds to the truce, but rocket fire from Gaza continues.

Dec. 23, 2006 Meeting between Israeli P.M. Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Abbas; Olmert promises to improve quality of life for Palestinians and remove checkpoints, but in practice nothing is implemented.

Jan. 29, 2007 Palestinian suicide bomber kills three in Eilat.


2008/2009: Rockets are still raining on CIVILIAN areas in Israel. Isreal moves to squash the organizations responsible for the rocket fire that has never stopped despite peace and ceasefire agreements. Before they begin maneuvers, thousands of phone calls are sent to the gaza warning settlers and civilians to leave immediately.

So there we have it people. Over 60 years of existence, continuous treachery from organizations and nations who call for its extinction the only time Israel has fire first is the Osiraq reactor strike. And if you think that was a bad thing then you really cant be helped.

I have literally thousands of pages of research that I have done on both sides of the topic and what I can gather is this. Take the guns away from the terrorist organization in the area and you have peace. Take the guns away from Israel and you have the death of a sovereign nation that has the absolute right to defend itself.

I do feel bad for people in Gaza that are caught in the middle of this. The leaders of their government simply use them as human shields and pawns in an attempt to turn there eyes away from the real people blocking peace. Which is logically the Palestinian terror organizations and there puppet governments.

During my studies I learned about causality, which is the link to the “cause” and “effect”. because I am an economics major it was drilled into my head. You must always look for causality. If a terror organization fires rockets into a civilian area (cause) the effect is when a SOVEREIGN NATION defends both itself and its citizenry.

couldn’t have summed it up better myself Thank you… Israel should have ended this shit back in 64’

EDIT: didn’t they try the same shit back than? Israel defended itself and ended up with massively expanded borders, including control of the entire Sinai Peninsula. Egypt Syria Etc. cried to UN and Israel ends up being made out to be the aggressors. Fuck that shit

Elaborate as to what we get from our relationship with Israel. Other than a bunch of pissed off Arabs.

We get nothing.

I still argue with the legitimacy of Israel’s existence. Also they have brought a lot of this shit on themselves.

I guarantee that Israel will never know true peace until they begin to recognize their own role in the attacks on them.

Israel=Terrorist State against Muslims.

This is the only line that matters. The UN had no authority to “create” Israel when the people who actually have lived in the region for 1500 years did not want them. Arabs have gotten the shaft from the west and what sucks about it, is that many areas in the Middle East were becoming western after WWI and WWII such as Turkey (a real allie) , Iran and Iraq. Then Israel came in and then people like the Ayatollah rose to power in response.

Thank you Israel.

ecoshardcore, (i dont feel like quoting that whole thing lol) Everything u quoted was correct but u didnt go back far enough, what u forget is that shortly after work war 2 the US promised israel the land that is the gaza strip. The motive was very sketchy but some references refer to the reasons bein oil, tsrategic launching points for attacks on iraw and iran, weapons sales, etc. And that alons is what caused most of what u quoted

That makes no sense at all. strategic launching points for attacks on iraq and iran in the 1940’s?


well if u look at history, we helped put the shah of irn into power in 1951 and gave him a US printing press. We had plans to help him into power since the late 40’s though. So i would say yes even in the 40’s we had our hand in middle eastern affairs

Israeli offensive caused $1.9 billion in economic destruction in Gaza, official says
It could take a year for Gaza’s economy to recover, Palestinian agency says
U.N. official: 159 children among 1,300 people killed in Gaza during offensive

And it won’t mean a damn.


You have no idea why/when Israel was created and what they have gone through just to STAY ALIVE. Jesus, I can’t even begin to belittle your argument, you’ve got such a horribly skewed mindset. Your ‘sketchy’ facts mean nothing.

If you define ‘region’ as Israel, multiple groups of people have ‘lived’ there, or conquered it, over the ages.

If the UN didn’t step in and create a place like Israel, hundreds of thousands of people would have been killed. If they weren’t accepted when they were in their own country, out of everyone’s way, why would they be accepted interspersed with the rest of the Middle East? They wouldn’t.

Iran and all the terrorist groups have been shouting they’re going to blow up the Zionist regime for years now, and they keep trying to.

Stroked: As horrible as it is that women/children/civilians get killed, when the other side is using them as a literal human shield there is nothing you can do.