Wow, I'm bored... trolling the gas saving forum

Hey blueballs, make a thread about electric superchargers would ya?


this is bad

will do… youtubing for vids to go with it.

Someone needs to make one on the pros and cons of the Flintstone car mod.

this place is full of the suck

Or make a thread on how switching around your plug wires can add 30% to your “FE.” It’s just that big oil won’t let them leave the factory that way. Complete with diagrams and shit. :tup:

damn, they beat me to it… I can’t tell if they are serious or not:

you’re just jealous because you have to haul around 800 lbs of baby crap from all these kids and it hurts MPG.

I can’t resist it anymore, it’s too much to take.

i burn the shit(poop) but yes i do have car seats and such in the car


someone post up the corvette exhaust recirculation post.

Time to spread misinformation and lies. :slight_smile:



told you this will get bad


Third post in the last thread bluballs linked. I shit you not. He was serious.


ugh, hot air intakes and swapping out your thermostat for a hotter one? This gas mileage shit is like dividing by zero to me.

It’d be so much cheaper and

It’d be so much cheaper and easier just to run some duct (like 5 bucks) off the headers or cataytic converter. Honestly, it’d prolly work, but it wouldn’t get as hot, might hinder sucking power of the engine, and you’d have to worry about the dryer melting/doing the wiring.


what a bunch of fggts.

i wonder how many people just lie. Is that prius gy really getting 80mpg? unlikely…