WTB:Small Car under $4500

Yea, I know,but quite frankly, that’s just so annoying.
Oh,and I like the mimic CSI comic lol

You can blame 95mx6 for blowing up your spot Katie.

i have a 93 jeep that has 187k on it …looking for 1200 for it

also 95 purple civic 4 door 78k on it 5speed 4500 for the

oh and to get the age just put the user name in google

I have a 2000 Audi A4 1.8T Avant for $4500

Automatic w/ 126k

that’s quite alright.he’s my friend’s bro from across the street.what do i care that people know i’m a girl.

thanks,but it was to be less than 100k miles on it. Thank you though =)

thanks, but as for the jeep, i’m looking to save $ on gas.i’m moving next year and will have to commute home sometimes.
and for the civic, that would be great, if only it were an automatic =( Manuals are not my thing.Unless it’s an emergency, I don’t drive them.
But thank you =)

so you get any PMs macking it horribly yet?


then wait til night crew sees this

wait, why? i’m confused. my apologies, but what night crew are you talking about?

lol, thats a steal dude. just trying to help ya!

the “other” ones

NYspeed has a day crew and a night crew. Day crew are:

-Productive members of society-Can read and write
-Sober when posting
night crew, no guarantees on any of those 3.

yes, I know, but it’s more mileage than i’d like in a car. but thank you so much though!


No mileage posted, but might be worth looking at. Also just of note the condition of a car is much more important than mileage keep that in mind.

Ex. A car in fair shape with 30k can be an abused and all city miles. A car in good shape with 100k could be well maintained, and used highway only. Especially when it comes to your price range.

where is rj-92 to send pictures of his junk to you?

if shes 16 he better still have that lawyer he was gonna use to sue on here on speed dial.

maybe you didnt read my post? 2001 Grand prix Gt, 4door. all leather, heated seats. every option.



All Maintence <With Records.

I get about 300 miles a tank mixed city/highway and its like 50$ to fill

No, I read it. But I’ve been told by my cousin who’s a mechanic that you can’t get collision insurance on a salvage.unless a salvage title is different than a rebuilt title?