03/24/07 - Meet up to drive to the blown euroz meet. UPDATE: TAFFY'S - SATURDAY @ 3

Where is everyone staying? Is there a designated hotel?


afterall… i don’t want to be showing up with my car looking like yours did in toronto. :wink:

btw, how’d the kevlar reinforcement look?


Perfect! My car is showing up to this meet just like it did in Toronto, cept well, in Toronto it actually ran :smiley:

bah, the salt on the ride down there and back will have no effect on the car, its mostly washed off the roads by now

yeah, as long as you don’t let salt fester on shit, it’s not a big deal/…


bah, the salt on the ride down there and back will have no effect on the car, its mostly washed off the roads by now


how is it mostly washed off the roads by now? I saw them salting yesterday on the 219.

I plan on keeping my bmw long term…so this is the way i choose prevent long term issues.

this still doesn’t ignore the issue that i have no glass however.


my car is a fucking wreck


how is it mostly washed off the roads by now? I saw them salting yesterday on the 219.

I plan on keeping my bmw long term…so this is the way i choose prevent long term issues.

this still doesn’t ignore the issue that i have no glass however.


most of the melting took most of it off the 33 and 90… dont forget once u start driving though pa etc most of those roads were not salted recently and had mostly rain through the whole big last storm… but ur right, it doesnt solve the glass issue… but its not too cold to put in the glass on thurs, its gonna be ~60

i would love to go but I will be on my honeymoon, you guys have fun!!

this saturday? oh shitter man i completely forgot… i could probably get the days off… i was going to have the waterpump/timing done this weekend. hmm. ill see what i can do and let you know for sure by thursday or tomarrow. thanks for the headsup newman

i’d so go if I didn’t have a race in PA

I’ll see what I can do.

  1. bryan; where joo moving?

  2. jam; dont be lazy. i thought you were supposed to get the bimmer buttoned up over winter?

  3. jam; im lazy. i was supposed to get my bimmer buttoned up over winter, and I haven’t done a single thing to it.

too early


  1. bryan; where joo moving?

  2. jam; dont be lazy. i thought you were supposed to get the bimmer buttoned up over winter?

  3. jam; im lazy. i was supposed to get my bimmer buttoned up over winter, and I haven’t done a single thing to it.


im moving over to the IS lofts

and noon is kinda early for me as well, i was hoping on leaving ~ 3-4pm


im moving over to the IS lofts

and noon is kinda early for me as well, i was hoping on leaving ~ 3-4pm


i wanted to meet at taffy’s at noon and leave about 1.

It’s a 5.5 hour drive if we take highways… add an hour if we take the fun route.
I am open to suggestions.

I am adding a poll.

the later the better for me, i have to do alot of packing (enought to not have to be home at all sunday) 6ish would be ideal and basically assure i go, 3ish is 75% chance and noon is probably only 35% chance of me making it

i’m gonna be there, but i’m coming up from VA, i’m just curious when you all are driving home from the show. i know the beetle is slow, and i probably won’t be able to keep up, but i’m just asking as i’d rather not drive home alone.


i’m gonna be there, but i’m coming up from VA, i’m just curious when you all are driving home from the show. i know the beetle is slow, and i probably won’t be able to keep up, but i’m just asking as i’d rather not drive home alone.


i doubt we will be driving any faster than you can keep up with. you’re more than welcome to drive with us.

also, i see everyone voted for the scenic route, if we leave at 6, 80% of the drive will be at night. How about we split the difference and make it 3. Joe, you think you can swing that?


i doubt we will be driving any faster than you can keep up with. you’re more than welcome to drive with us.


ok well i’ll probably drive home with you all, thanks.


i doubt we will be driving any faster than you can keep up with. you’re more than welcome to drive with us.

also, i see everyone voted for the scenic route, if we leave at 6, 80% of the drive will be at night. How about we split the difference and make it 3. Joe, you think you can swing that?


scenic route leaving ~3pm will be perfect…i still have my snow tires on the car so im not going to push it through any twisties (they dont make any noise before they break loose… ask me how i know… haha)