He threatened me via phone. That’s why you can’t see it.
It’s not liked we scratched or chipped the paint on something. He’s trying to blame us for his ghetto rattle can painted valve cover that had half the paint flaked off it when it got here continuing to flake off after the car left. Seriously?
His other gripe is that some cap on his boost controller apparently fell off some time after he left here…a part we never touched. He says it was zip tied in place. Zip ties aren’t exactly the be all end all of mounting things.

Wow, just wow…chipped paint and missing boost controller top…its the little things in life

@sportsallstar035 u don’t wanna make a problem out of this its not good on ur part and the car scene ull get embarassed. Mike runs a extreamly reputable and legittimate buisness. I’m sure ur upset this is gonna cost a few bucks but get it fixed but its a lot better in the long run. Someone would probably ended up taking u to court over it and more headaches for you. Fix it and glws its clean u shouldn’t have a problem selling.

Well I won’t be home til later.

First thing first, Jeff is an honest seller. He encouraged the trip to my shop of choice. I took it to two shops, one being someone I personally knew and Innovative. I don’t know to many sellers who would encourage this knowing something was wrong.

Second, I will never question a shop when it comes to what Jeff is speaking of. I find it hard to believe that a well respected shop, let alone a local one with a solid reputation would pull parts, let alone a $10 part. The paint is an issue I really have no opinion on. The car drove the same way it did when we left as it did when we arrived. We didn’t touch into boost at all on the drive back and personally I wouldn’t with the leak.

Was this the best $100 I spent in awhile? You better fucking believe it. The last thing I would of wanted to do was rebuild this engine. I encourage everyone to get the car they want looked over. If you can’t afford that, you shouldn’t be looking at a car that’s not a beater.

I did not want to come on here and bash this car, Jeff said he would take care of the issues we found and I respect that and was willing to give him that. If had tried selling the car as is without mentioning anything, I would have blown this page up.

I respect Innovative for being up front. They did what I paid them to do. I plan on taking any car into them to be looked over. I respect Jeff for allowing me to take it wherever I wanted and do not doubt him as an upfront guy. As far as Mike vs Jeff and their parts/paint dispute, I did not see the engine bay for about 4-5 days prior and did not get an all that good of a look at it.

Let’s leave this thread as is and if needed take it to PMs or Mods set up a thread where we can discuss.


This sounds about right. Who would allow a buyer to take a car for checkout knowing there were somewhat major issues? I mean really…cmon. Props to the potential buyer for having things checked out and props to you for doing the right thing for the future owner. :slight_smile: