06 z06






268 miles

some people’s kids :rolleyes:

that should be against the law

I wouldn’t wanna have that guys insurance now

sucks to be that douch bag

Whats that go for new? like 80g after mark up?

they prob want 30k for it wrecked

the engine is worth 20 alone if it aint damaged

we’ll find out on 2/20/06 what it sells for!

That sucks!

get it!!!

It was only a matter of time. Having a lot of money doesn’t mean you have a lot of brains or driving ability. Sad to see though.

sweet there my motor

I wonder if it was wrecked on a test drive, it still had the dealers vanity plate on the rear instead of just being blank?

Better save those picture.

I bet Blue uses it as an excuse of why he don’t have his Z06 anymore.

'will I traded the blue one in for a red one with more options, and then some kid was racing me down the parkway and ran me into the jersy barrier"

that sucks.

that is the T-plate in alot of states. they dont give ya a real plate until the send ya it in the mail. i know s.carolina does that.

yea that engine is goin in my dakota. :blue:

yeah i know some states have paper plates until you get your real plate… but look at the plate that is on there, its from some dealership its not even a plate, just like an advertisement (almost like alot of places have on the front of cars)… almost like it never had ANY plate (paper or otherwise) put on there…

I’d drive it wrecked !!! :rofl:

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: get it!!..sam u take the motor and ill keep the rest just to have it