07 Z06 and 08 Viper comparison


Please dont try and quote numbers, you just make yourself look like a fool. The 959 in it’s time wasnt even considered a good looking car, the reason it had such a following was it was the first production car to have zero lift. Which is why the body is designed the way it is, and because they wanted it based off the 911 for homologation purposes for Group B, IMSA, and Paris Dakar. It was their cheater car for production classes. 944 isnt a good looking car? Then why did Mazda acknowledge the FC was completely a ripoff of it due to it’s successes in the styling department? SHO got away from box like styling? Are you fucking BLIND?

Oh and at the same time ford was producing this pile of dog shit

BMW was producing this:

Germany > *


Reread what I wrote…my comment was that the Taurus, when launched in 1986, broke the mold for boxy design. That car paved the way for several other companies to follow. Comparing a Taurus to a BMW? Nice…two completely different consumers there, of course the higher end car will have more appeal. And FWIW, I love BMW design…

Design is debatable…and never worth the argument. I feel I’m qualify to say this since I went through Industrial Design at a premier Institute, and am a designer by profession.


yea, the fox body mustang and mid 90’s SHO’s epidemy of automotive styling…


Tiburon, need I say more? And I never said anything about those cars being the epidemy of styling…in fact, both are quite ugly in my opinion when stock…which leads me to the next point…


If both cars were placed in front of me i would take teh Viper for sure. But this is only cause i like he way they look better and i dont really drive hard unless going the the 1/4 mile track so i suck i guess. But thats just me. Ok im curious because i love the way 944s look and i would rather break all of my fingers then drive a SHO(sorry please dont get mad) but do you think your SHO looks nicer then a 944? Im just curious.


Stock for stock, both cars aren’t that desirebale. Both can be dressed up to look great, and dressed down to be horrid. I think my SHO happens to be quite appealing, and get several compliments from it. I also think MPD’s Porsche looks great! Point is is that damn near ANY car can be made to look good.

For the record, I don’t own either of my cars for there design. Mustang was the car I bought when I was 16 because I always wanted one. Many hours have gone into it to ‘resurrect’ it from when I picked it up as a theft recovery. The SHO was something I picked up in college for $2000…filled my needs of decent power, sunroof, good stereo, and great for my frequent 800 mile roadtrips back home. I only still own it now because it’s treated me well, has 206,000 on it (domestic crap, what???), and I have no car payment to worry about and can focus on my house projects.