Dodge Viper is DONE... came back... died again... back AGAIN

Good, Vipers are super lame anyways. Looks like Marcus will be out of a job before long :lol:

LIES!!! The viper is as important to the American economy as pickup trucks. What will we do :meh:

Instead of spending the money on small-dick compensating cars, we can just start buying penis enlargement pills from Email Spammers.

HaHa yes that was my sarcasm. Maybe if we can ditch all theses worthless compensation cars and deal with our small cocks, we can start building cars that will actually be good for this country.

I was never the biggest fan of the viper, but I’m still sad to see it go.

:lol: to some, your car also is considered a small dick car :lol:

Not saying I agree, but I think it’s funny.

Anyone surprised?

I was thinking the same thing. He’s got a 2 seat convertible red sports car.

Stretch the 350z a little and it would look like this :wink:

Still have to build cars that people are interested with. Vipers are more of an exotic car. Too bad its going, maybe if they put the Hemi V8 in there it would save money. Of coarse im not talking about the 425hp, im sure they can figure out how to get more out of it.

Sure. But the American image of tire smoke and push rods obviously doesnt holding up in todays market, (see multiple GM bankrupt threads) no matter what we think about it, its time for a change.

come on now, it is just a lowly 6 cylinder. That makes my dick at least average sized.

edit: LOL @ PeterGriffin.jpg

I hate the Viper hate. RIP Viper.

:lol: perfect!

Why would Marcus be out of a job? Doesn’t he just drive one? Or are you confusing him with Dan? Not sure why he would be out of a job, pretty sure he didn’t work on the assembly line at the plant?

is ingram micro firing hiim? did he get a different job i didnt know about?

The edit took me a while because I couldn’t find a picture of that car on google. I finally put “peter griffin penis car” into google image search and crossed my fingers that “moderate safe search” being on would prevent something horrible from showing up.


hmm will this hurt or help their value…


Yeah the Mustang doesnt sell worth a dick…

I am thinking of someone different. Guy on here who does Viper Builds. It is not Marcus now that I think about it.

Oh no it sells, thats the fucking problem. We dont need any more gas guzzling shit boxes that dont have any turn around value.