'09 Drift review/'10 Snow-rifto


I’ve gotten numerous PM’s regarding “drift spots” and places to “practice”.
One in particular was from “hotrodjoseph”, sent not to long ago. His message read:

"hey man im kinda new to the drifting scene but iv been following it for quite some time and just realy been starting to practice. I was woundering if you could help me out, my buddy and i have been looking for some spots to mess around in and some local event to go to. Any ideas would greatly appreaciated.


I have no knowledge of him, so it seems slightly fishy that someone with ZERO credibility and posts decides to message me and ask for “spots to mess around in”. I’ve given him NO knowledge as to areas or days and I’d hope you do the same. We all know the feds DO roam local forums and for all we know this is a possible attempt.

inform anyone you do not know, about anything involving such activities. You know what can happen, I doubt I need to explain.

Obviously I will not be releasing any sort of information to any of the PM’s received.

Just a heads up.

Slide safe.



Hey Joe, I heard 11 sivision is a rely good place to slide. Big parking lot and you will fir in just nicely.

I will put my car and life on hotrodjoseph being a cop. The spelling is way too contrieved. You can tell he is intentionally using half-assed grammar to pass off as a “young kid”. The name hotrodjoseph is ridiculously obvious. It’s like the undercover that are 30 in a minivan with their hats ridiculously low. So obvious. Over the years I have developed a wicked sense of bacon, and that my friends is one rotten baconator waiting to spew on a bunch of good guys.

T promise you (SON) that the Peel police are on here and monitoring. Thank you Marrino for posting that, I think it’s very important that people see that message.

And no problem!

lol guys chill im new to the site and i write like that bc im only 17(not lieing lol), i was just looking for some help bc im new. i understand your view of the cops looking in on your “spots”, i would be the same. im not trying to cause anything just trying to learn new things. oh and my username is my xbox gt and is legit you could even look me up if you want, im a well know drifter and painter in the forza community.

oh and to the guy who bet his car on the line bc he thought i was a cop, can i have it now, been looking to get a 240 for awhile now.

I’m not convinced.

And this thread went from epic…to, not so epic.

Chris, you make anything epic <3


Anything to put a smile on your face Martino :wink:

Fucker. lol

Mistake…honest :stuck_out_tongue:

So let’s cut to the chase, where are some good spots to drift?

PS: marino, bbm me when you want to run a session just like last year :wink:

ok unno if the last post was to be funny or somthing but…
like i said i dont want to start anything, i was just asking a question. and if you guys still dont belive unno what i can do to clear it up bc i dont want everyone to hate on me bc they think im a cop.
srry for abit of a threadjack

Nice vids… I dont like drifting but keep it up.

Imma kill you all I swear.


I am shit at touch screen typing, always hit the key beside the key I want with my skinny fingers.

Got footy of the Cressy love tap?

Ok finally I know how to embed!!!

Anyways here are some local videos from 09…ENJOY

A Brian Sanford production…

Cayuga season finale…

Cayuga video with some drift,drag, and grip…

Me molesting the drag strip at shannonville…

Nicely edited CSCS video drifting starts at 1:40…

My promo video that Brian made me…

the last video was still processing on youtube so it may take awhile for it to work.

lol hotrodjoeseph. get back toyer’ gm boy.

click them links kids. I DARE YA

anyone got anymore vids?? this thread is dieing

Im uploading a video on my facebook right now, if you guys want to add me ill post the link, just send me a PM for my full name. Its not an amazing drift vid but a little bit of me taking advantage of being stuck in my dads driveway yesterday.

lol :smiley: