hey…my friend’s up visiting and we wanted to go boarding at KB…
Schussmeister pass works there tomorrow.
not sure on what time we’re planning as of yet…
hopefull for the evening…that would be fun…or mid day…weather permitting…
anyone else wanna cruise up along with us?
let me know…then we can plan on a meeting spot for the cruise up there…
January 13, 2006, 12:57pm
snowboards work great on grass
its supposed to get colder out i heard
i hope? …
i heard rain too…we’ll see…i’ll check the weather reports tomorrow…
i’ll board in the rain…
this winter sucks for winter sports…bah.
January 13, 2006, 1:20pm
here, and according my cars little climate doo-hickey its 68
its supposed to get colder tomorrow i thought?
boO to that. :tdown:
Must be warmer where you are then… it’s only 60 here
my cars outside temp gauge is always a lil higher than it seem also…
want some snow on the mountains…NOW. lol.
January 13, 2006, 7:09pm
highest i got driving all around today was 67
and i highly doubt there will be ay winter sport short of driving north for a cupple hours into canada. or maybe up in the mountains east of us maybe.
here definatley not
yea it gonna get cold for 2 days…i dunno if they can make enough snow
i work at colden tubing and i def got called off for sat…which kind of sucks but oh well. getting drunk tonight is the word so sat is for sleeping then i guess.
im goin sunday if the conditions are bearable
Central is still open, and I will be there. All afternon, and part of evening. Snow this weekend too.
But they are calling for a warmup this week though again.
even if it gets cold, all this rain + ice = horrible conditions. then if it is cold enough, fake snow on top of ice = even shittier conditions.
I drove by KB on my way to the office this morning, it is snowing.
I think I might go, its snowing in OP
I’m heaifn out in a few mintues after I eat.
I figure it won’t be icy actually because it will be granular.
January 14, 2006, 10:22am
if anything, i would do Holiday. They have like 95% open. KB has like 6 trails open