1/6/06 Transit Lanes Midnight Bowling

Alrighty everyone, I love going midnight bowling! Some of us went last time and it was fun, so I figure hey why not again? Especially since there’s no bowling lanes down here in FL…

$14 Per person (That’s including shoes!)
Here’s a coupon: http://www.transitlanes.net/coupons.asp
Transit Lanes is on Transit Rd. across from Delta Sonic, hope to see a lot of you there! :slight_smile:

there are no bowling alleys in FL…man u are deprived


No Mighty, No Bowling Lanes (Well…there are SOME but the nearest one is like 30 min away)…i’m going craaaazy! Hehe

Anyone? Anyone? :’(

LOL @ the sarcasm :stuck_out_tongue:

I might go, I have nothing better to do :smiley:

ill be in WV

Well I guess this meet is a bust.


but u wont show anyways sooo

Yeah thanks Joe.

I’m down for tossing some more gutterballs, just like last time. :lol:

I’m going to a movie at 10:20…So I could go again, but i’d need definite answers from ppl by tomorrow afternoon :slight_smile:

so long as my ex gives me the money she owes me iam in

Devin give me a ride. Call me sir.

I’m depressed about you. I should have my OWN meet again and cry.

Selling soul for ride in the Tercelica. CAN DO!

If I do go I’m totally down showing off my madd single-digit bowling skills though. :tup:

ur not on my team this time

Joe how about we bowl for your driving priveleges. ^___^

I dont think I’m allowed :whip:

Whatever Jack, come on you know you wanna go, we had fun last time.

So far it’s Me, Joe, Taursho and Fuzzy?

Bump, come on I know more people wanna go!