1/7/06 (Sat) Kissing Bridge

we’re supposed to get some snow this weekend

6:30 down at the bar, sound good?

all the nyspeed boarders should come out (azndc5er, darkstar audisniper, fagmofo, showtime69 etc.)

and if you ski thats cool too, someone needs to pick up the tab

dan i thought about it, it the weather holds i’m in for sure. call me if you’re going. i’m sure aaron and greg will, probably newman too.

I can’t make 5:30 but I will be down to come later on depending on weather and shit.

I work til 5.

Greg is gonna be in Vermont

BTW, who are you (91HFrex)

Changed to 6:30 for Darkstar

hmmm… I’ll most likely be there with the woman and a few friends. I’ve meet DarkkstaR once, I’ll keep a look out, I think I could reconize him.

Always down to meet fellow boarder/skier’s :tup:

Alright awesome.

I’m in f’reelz, as long as theres snow.

<----knocks on wood

dan ill see if slowmofo and slowtime69 want to go, im down to go :tup:

If there is snow, I am down… Does anyone have size 9-9.5 boots laying around, i have ma board and bindings, but the new boots havent shipped yet :mad: so i need to borrow something

I’ll be at KB saturday evening for sure around that time…

Green jacket, fur hood. Skis.

Im down to go fall on my ass some more as I try to figure this stuff out :D… always a great time anyways… gotta go try out the board I bought.

lol… knowing myself ill be there too.

If I see a bunch of homos all giggling and findling each other, Ill stop and say hi :wink:

hmmmmmmmmm… possibly

it’s kyle, lol

ahaha bunny hill 4L… I am making you go up a real hill no matter what this time. I think that we should go in the am and get a full day pass.

I’m almost thinking the same thing… spend the whole day there… gotta break in the flask… :smiley:

Hell, I’m thinking of going tomorrow nite too…

ill be at vermont in smugglers notch :smiley:

xander,jeller,poopra and myself are going to be there all day sunday…

go sat. then you can get an all day pass and chill till 10

we all have pre-paid passes for sunday, id love to go sat. but wont be worth the money to go from 6 or so till 10:30, weekend pass prices are the suck.