1 EVO, 2 STis and some sexy dood on an Orange bike. *PICS*

We went out the other night because I wanted to try some experimental pics in tunnels at night and some other stuff.

Some of them came out ok, but I will certainly be adjusting the process to try for some better pics. I gotta say it was fun to hang out of the back of a Blazer going 35mph to get these shots lol.

Enjoy. Hopefully once I perfect the process, I’ll have better ones to throw up.

And here are some other ones from before the tunnel.

And of course… Willybeen.

Now you didn’t think we would go out, and not get a pic of Will on one wheel did you?




first pic looks nice

<3 evo 9’s

Good stuff :tup:

looks pretty good


Who’s white sti? Nice pics!

:tup: evo tunnel looks hot.


Were the tunnel shots done on Aero Drive by the airport?? If so looks very nice :tup:

Do they not look nice if thats not the same tunnel? lol

yea… aero drive :tup:

They turned out awesome Paulo!

Sorry about the whole not telling you when I was going to make that right hand turn…lol.

(Paulo hanging out the back + me making a hard right turn at 35mph = Paulo almost turning into STI food.)

first pic looks awesome.

Kick ass pics.

Thanks for the comments guys. The first EVO pic is definitely my favorite. Then the parked white STi one.

Nice shots.

They came out great paulo, Glad you volunteered to hang out the truck, LOL It was def pretty sketchy. I really got nothing, I can has no night shot skills and everything I took sucked, heres 2 of that sexy dudes orange bike:

And then this pervert in a white evo started chasing us around a parking garage :mamoru:

HaHa great time guys, I needs more practice though :roflpicard:

sweet shots.