8 + 9 = springtime photoshoot

Psphinx81 and I took Scott out of his cage to snap some quick photos for us. Enjoy the evo lovin’…

last pic is the best!

yellow evos are awesome. tint that bitch, drop it and get some manly tails and you’ll be gtg. :tup:

(Badnewsmini) is gonna fell so left out.

fuckin sick! i love the pics…im a photographer myself and i’d have to say these are very nice…what equipment does he shoot with…pm me please or respond on here

Mmmm evo’s

Sweet guys, Everytime I come home I see your car out, now that its nice out, so sweet, I acctully drove my car by you house going like 5mph cause my clutch is so screwed now, I was just jelolous of all the guys drving there cars in the nice weather, Gourgous cars.

8 wheel drive uggghhh

hot ass freakin pics :smiley:

AHAHAHAHAA perfect post!

The last pic…I been trying those pics…fast shutter,low F, low ISO…What were the settings for that.

Very nice guys…I’m getting so antsy to drive my car…to bad it needs paint before it gets a photo shoot.

Nice pics!!! What camera was used?

the white one is so hot

Wheels look hot.

Nice shots, I like the first one.

Nice cars.

this one is homoevoerotic :tup:

Love the cars and the photos are top notch :tup:

paul’s car is dropped with tein’s, dunno about geoff’s car though :slight_smile:

I think both have s-tech’s?